Tim Scott, exploring presidential run, hits pure notes about America’s goodness
Quin Hillyer
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I write to embrace the insight and wisdom of my colleague Tim Carney’s piece this morning on the presidential exploratory video of Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and to add appreciation for Scott’s heartfelt paean to America’s goodness.
Carney wrote of how important it was that Scott connects the dots between religious liberty and the “ladder of opportunity” to which Scott paid homage.
“The American dream of climbing out of poverty isn’t really a story of rugged or exceptional people transcending their conditions,” Carney wrote while amplifying Scott’s message. “It’s a story of civil society providing the scaffolding, or the ladder, that allows people to climb. Community institutions are how people get the connections, the mentoring, the modeling, the belonging, and the human-level safety net that enable them to do better.”
I merely wish to highlight another, complementary part of what Scott said. In a time when most of the dominant cultural institutions are pushing the narrative of a nation deeply flawed in its very foundation and laws, Scott says it is wrong to “indoctrinate our children to believe that we live in an evil country,” avers that “America is a land of opportunity, not a land of oppression,” and insists that this nation is “exceptional.”
And he focused not on his own merit but instead said: “I bear witness that America can do for anyone what she’s done for me.” Rather than play the victim, he portrayed himself as the beneficiary of blessings.
This is refreshing, and it also is accurate. From its very founding, the United States has done more for human freedom and human flourishing, has sacrificed more and charitably given more for the sake of broader humanity, than any nation in the history of mankind.
Tim Scott gets this. He has understood this and given testament to this for years. That’s one big reason why, if he indeed jumps into the race, everybody of goodwill should welcome him to the presidential fray. Tim Scott will elevate America, elevate the debate, and elevate our aspirations.