WATCH: Baltimore Strong: Residents react to tragic Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse


Baltimore, MARYLAND — The city of Baltimore is heartbroken after the iconic Francis Scott Key Bridge was shattered into pieces on March 26 at 1:28 a.m.

The Washington Examiner traveled to the area and spoke with locals who said they are still coming to terms with the tragedy. Rebuilding the bridge will take time, and even when it is reconstructed, it’ll never quite be the same. The lives that were lost, however, can never be brought back.

“Obviously, seeing that go down hurt everybody’s hearts; especially the construction workers, Mehkai Price, a Baltimore resident, lamented. “I do think that brought everyone together here a little bit.”

“That’s my biggest concern; families that were directly affected by it,” said Donna Klinger, who was born and raised in Baltimore. “We’re resilient; we’re also a strong community.”


Shannon Blasky, who lives and works in Baltimore, said, “my prayers go out to everyone affected by this. Baltimore is very strong, when something does happen tragically here.”

Key Brewing, a brewery just miles from the bridge, has a fundraiser in the works for port workers and their families. It’s just one example of the community coming together and standing stronger together after a catastrophe has plagued their city. While two construction workers survived, two bodies have been found, and the other four victims are presumed dead.

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