Amid South Korean political turmoil, the North’s succession...

As South Korea struggles to reorient its government following an unexpected period of martial law, its northern neighbors seem to be enjoying their status as the more politically stable Korea. State-affiliated newspapers have mocked the “pandemonium” in South Korea and lambasted impeached President Yoon Suk Yeol’s “fascist dictatorship against the people.” Seeing an enemy falter […]

The most memorable 2024 Senate moments: A convict,...

Who says the Senate doesn’t have its fair share of drama? From a criminal conviction and new leadership to a vice presidential nominee and party defections, the “world’s greatest deliberative body” was at the forefront of extraordinary political developments this year. Here are some of the Senate’s biggest moments from 2024. Menendez convicted Then-Sen. Bob […]

The friends Biden lost this year

President Joe Biden’s final year in office took a turn after a disastrous debate performance left Democrats scrambling to find a path forward just months before the 2024 election. The year started on a good note for the president, with what many Democrats viewed as a strong State of the Union performance. Over the year, […]

Democrats begin plotting path to win back minority...

As Democrats work through a coherent plan to handle President-elect Donald Trump’s second term in the White House, they’re also struggling with what the right strategy is to reengage minority voters who defected to the GOP during last month’s election.  Trump didn’t just win all seven battleground states and the popular vote in the battle […]

War in Ukraine


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