Contested election: How a close race with dueling...

Before President Joe Biden abandoned his reelection bid in July, there was a broad consensus about where the 2024 race for the White House was headed. Former President Donald Trump was going to win and Biden was about to lose, with the only remaining questions involving the margin of victory and how many downballot Democrats […]

Hawaii’s legislature does the unthinkable, for a blue...

Hawaii has been in a funk. A huge swath of locals are talking about it, from drivers to barkeeps to wonks to business owners to clergy, the Washington Examiner found early this year while visiting the most populous of the state’s eight main islands, Oahu, home of capital city of Honolulu. Throughout the island chain, […]

DSCC looks to replicate Democratic enthusiasm for Harris...

Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI), who runs the Democratic Senate Committee Campaign, compared its last-minute decision to invest in Florida and Texas to Vice President Kamala Harris’s late entry into the presidential race, arguing it’s not too late to introduce the party’s candidates to voters. “We know the same dynamics as people get to know Kamala. […]

Newsom signs bill apologizing for California’s role in...

Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) signed a bill on Thursday that has California apologize for the state’s role in slavery during the 19th century. Newsom was joined by members of the state’s legislative black caucus as he signed AB 3089, proposed by Democratic state Assemblyman Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer Sr. “As we confront the lasting legacy of […]

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