Filmmaker honored with Liberty Medal at National Constitution...

Ken Burns, the renowned filmmaker known for his documentaries and television series featuring different periods of American history, was awarded the Liberty Medal on Tuesday night at a special ceremony at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.  The medal is awarded annually to “men and women of courage and conviction who strive to secure the […]

Harris renews Senate Democrats’ hopes to weaken filibuster...

A fresh wave of optimism has rushed over Senate Democrats that their long-held push to codify Roe v. Wade into law could be on the horizon. Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday called for a Senate filibuster carve-out to pass federal abortion rights legislation, marking the first time she has said as much since becoming […]

State Department’s GEC should close over ‘censorship’: Darrell...

EXCLUSIVE — A senior House Foreign Affairs Committee member is calling for a State Department office to be shuttered due to its “domestic censorship activities,” according to a letter. In the letter, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) raised concerns to Secretary of State Antony Blinken over “the outright censorship of Americans by the State Department under […]

Hezbollah claims responsibility for missile attack on Mossad...

Hezbollah claimed responsibility for a missile attack Wednesday morning that targeted Mossad headquarters, the national intelligence agency of Israel, in Tel Aviv.  The Lebanese paramilitary organization touted its use of a “Qader 1” ballistic missile with a post on the social media and messaging platform Telegram. The group’s attack was in retaliation for Israel’s operation […]

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