Former Republican governor of Washington, Dan Evans dies...

Republican Dan Evans, who dominated Washington state’s politics as governor and then a senator, died at age 98. His death was confirmed by his sons, Mark, Bruce, and Dan Evans Jr., on Saturday. “Dad lived an exceptionally full life,” they said in a statement obtained by the Seattle Times. “Whether serving in public office, working […]

Ranked choice voting offers promise of unity but...

Advocates for ranked choice voting from both parties say their pitch should be a no-brainer: It fosters intraparty unity and roots out extreme candidates as polarization thrives even within Democrats and Republicans themselves. But it’s far from that simple. A ballot-casting system that’s gained traction at the state level, ranked choice allows voters to pick […]

Trump urged to home in on swing states...

Some of former President Donald Trump’s allies on Capitol Hill and on K Street are privately expressing concerns that the Republican presidential nominee has made some recent strategic errors, including his travel schedule, that are resulting in a tighter race than initially expected. Vice President Kamala Harris and Trump remain deadlocked according to recent polling, […]

Names swirl for Trump second Cabinet as transition...

Polls suggest the 2024 election between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is within the margin of error. But that has not stopped the Beltway from playing one of politicos’ favorite parlor games: guessing and gossiping about who could be in Trump’s second Cabinet. The Trump campaign is adamant there have been […]

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