The re-reevaluation of The West Wing, a quarter...

Twenty-five years ago, Aaron Sorkin and a cast and writers room of true-believing Clinton-era Democrats set out to create a technocratic fairy tale in which progressive values win the day by sheer virtue of their irresistibility. What happened next is enough to defy belief. Despite themselves, they made a masterpiece.  Whatever its ratings success, there […]

Tito Jackson, 1953-2024

Michael Jackson’s premature death in 2009 at the age of 50 shocked the world. Beloved by millions and maybe even billions of fans, Jackson had first risen to fame as part of the Jackson 5, the late ‘60s-early ‘70s pop group that captured ears and hearts across the country and whose story was told in […]

Federal spending helps incumbents

A weirdly common conspiracy theory on the Left holds that Republicans secretly believe massive government spending is great for the economy and that Republicans only resist Democratic overspending because they want to sabotage the economy. Like most conspiracy theories, there is a fact pattern that makes this one convincing to those who want to believe: […]

Getting rich from Springfield’s migrant misery

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio — It’s not about the cats and dogs. Nearly everyone in this Ohio town agrees the crisis circling it existed long before former President Donald Trump amplified rumors that Haitian immigrants were eating pets, generating national headlines. The locals also almost universally believe the migrants are not the villains of this story. I […]

War in Ukraine


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