Johnson vows to avoid Christmas omnibus as House...

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has promised his Republican colleagues they will not advance an omnibus spending bill at the end of this year, vowing to break the cycle of passing a massive spending proposal right before Christmas to avoid a government shutdown.  The House is set to vote on a three-month continuing resolution this […]

Harris rolls out 400 economist and expert endorsements...

Vice President Kamala Harris‘s campaign announced Tuesday morning that more than 400 economists and policy experts endorsed her campaign, a move meant to challenge former President Donald Trump‘s afternoon speech in Savannah, Georgia, on the tax code. The economists wrote an open letter claiming that Harris “worked on behalf of American families to lower costs, […]

Trump holds foreign policy advantage over Harris in...

Former President Donald Trump holds an advantage on foreign policy in key swing states over Vice President Kamala Harris, even as she holds a national lead on the matter in a new poll. A poll from the Institute for Global Affairs and YouGov shows Harris leading Trump, 53%-47%, nationally when asked which candidate would “pursue […]

House GOP balancing offensive and defensive tactics with...

The top House Republican super PAC is dropping millions in cash reserved for keeping the party’s majority in the chamber. The Congressional Leadership Fund is purchasing $18.5 million in ads across House battlegrounds in New York and California, along with attack ads against Blue Dog Democratic Reps. Mary Peltola (D-AK) and Jared Golden (D-ME), among […]

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