Pennsylvania Senate fails to hold ‘woke’ Philadelphia DA accountable, postpones impeachment trial indefinitely


Larry Krasner - 102922
Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner speaks during a news conference in Philadelphia, Monday, Jan. 31, 2022. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke) Matt Rourke/AP

Pennsylvania Senate fails to hold ‘woke’ Philadelphia DA accountable, postpones impeachment trial indefinitely

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Philadelphia has endured the worst violent crime wave in the city’s long and storied 340-year history. More than 1500 people have been murdered since 2020, and there doesn’t appear to be any end to the bloodshed anytime soon. The city’s district attorney, Larry Krasner, implemented criminal justice reform policies that have contributed to the surge in violence. Late last year, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives voted to impeach the radical left-wing DA. The trial was set to begin on Jan. 18.

Pennsylvania’s Senate, however, failed to deliver. In what can only be described as another embarrassment for the Keystone State’s Republicans, the Senate unanimously voted last week to postpone Krasner’s impeachment trial indefinitely. One of the reasons that may have been the reason behind this delay was that a Commonwealth Court ruled the grounds for the impeachment were not legally sufficient. The court claimed that none of the seven articles of impeachment met the “legal requirement” of “misbehavior in office,” the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.


“Right now, we are in a ‘take it one step at a time,’ and the next step is we need an opinion from the Commonwealth Court,” State Rep. Craig Williams, one of the managers leading the impeachment, said last week.

Philadelphia’s district attorney is supposed to protect the city’s residents from harm and be the scourge of the underworld. Krasner was the exact opposite. It raises the question that if a city’s district attorney refusing to lock up criminals, allowing them to remain on the street instead of jail, and said criminals continue to commit more crime and harm communities isn’t considered “misbehavior in office,” what is?

Sadly, the disintegration of Krasner’s impeachment was not exactly unexpected. Many in the city, who supported impeaching him, felt that the whole thing was a political stunt more than an actual legislative action taken against a radical Philadelphia government official. Plenty of pundits and politicians claimed it was a farce and had no chance of actually succeeding. Unfortunately, Pennsylvania’s Republicans didn’t waste much time proving that those cynics were correct.


Political theater or not, the ones that will suffer the most are the innocent people of Philadelphia. As city and state politicians bicker about Krasner and his ineffective and dangerous reforms, more people die each day.

Then again, it could be argued that politicians aren’t to blame. After all, the city’s voters put Krasner into office — and overwhelmingly reelected him. Based on that, Krasner’s failed policies and the city’s record-breaking homicide rates are exactly what the Democratic voters in Philadelphia asked for.

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