LGBT babies



LGBT babies

New parents have a lot on their minds: getting the baby to eat, functioning on 1.5 hours of sleep and five cups of coffee, and finding a pediatrician who specializes in LGBTQIA+ infants. At least, that’s what Harvard University thinks is a top priority for new parents.

According to a course offered by Harvard Medical School, it’s important to “focus on serving gender and sexual minority people across the lifespan, from infants to older adults.” This one’s for all those babies who come out of the womb carrying pride flags, apparently.

The course, titled “Caring for Patients with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities, and Sex Development,” is intended to train students “to provide high-quality, culturally responsive care for patients with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and sex development.”

The medical school did not respond to a question from the College Fix, a campus news website, about “how medical experts know if an infant is LGBT” — probably because it can’t. What these radicalized medical experts can do, however, is unequivocally support parents who are so wrapped up in progressive gender ideology that they think they have a transgender 3-year-old.

Or worse, they may push a child who can’t yet form coherent sentences to develop a unique gender and sexual identity, no matter what his or her parents say.

This isn’t just conjecture: Alex Keuroghlian, one of the professors teaching the course, has a history of promoting gender ideology at children’s expense.

The College Fix reports: “An outspoken supporter of removing healthy organs from individuals and injecting them with puberty blockers, Keuroghlian has authored research that connected transgender drugs and surgeries to better mental health outcomes for patients. He has also condemned government restrictions on the procedures.”

This kind of thinking isn’t just limited to the classroom, either. Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School’s largest teaching hospital, offers “resources for transgender youth” (though surgeries are limited to those 18 and older), as well as a guide for parents on “Supporting Your Child’s Transgender Journey,” which warns them that “supporting your child at every step is important to their emotional, social and physical wellbeing.”

There’s no room left for good parenting once your toddler boy starts gnawing on a pair of high heels or your little girl gets some dirt on her face. And the unceasing push toward radicalizing children reaches younger and younger ages until you can imagine a doctor delivering a baby and smiling up at the parents saying, “Congratulations, they’re nonbinary!”

When little ones need adults to change their diapers and blow their noses, let’s just assume they’re too young to be part of the LGBTQIA+ umbrella, what comedian Dave Chappelle calls “the alphabet people.” Babies should be little bundles of joy, not bundles of woke letters.

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