Democrats are cashing out on their fake outrage over IRS funding


Hakeem Jeffries, Nancy Pelosi
Incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., accompanied by from left, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., incoming House Minority Whip Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass., Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., along with members of Congress and family of fallen officers, pauses for a moment of silence during a ceremony marking the second year anniversary of the violent insurrection by supporters of then-President Donald Trump, in Washington, Friday, Jan. 6, 2023. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Democrats are cashing out on their fake outrage over IRS funding

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Earlier this week, Democrats in Congress lamented the fact that Republicans voted to nix funding to the IRS, which included the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents. The Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act eliminates billions of dollars in IRS funding from the Inflation Reduction Act. The bill passed mostly along party lines with a vote of 221-210.

Yet as much as they whined, they also didn’t do anything about the tax code when they controlled the House of Representatives for the last four years. This latest “outrage” is nothing but more hyperbolic propaganda and theatricality to rile up voters’ emotions.


Democrats claim that affluent people use deduction loopholes to abuse the system and not “pay their fair share in taxes.” It’s one of the reasons Democrats have given to justify the hiring of those new IRS agents. But if this was indeed true, why didn’t Democrats do anything about it in Congress — other than trying to increase the IRS bureaucracy? They controlled Congress from 2018 to 2022 and did nothing to introduce legislation or meaningful change to eliminate such loopholes. In fact, what legislation they did pass created hundreds of billions in new loopholes almost entirely for rich people.

“It tells you everything you need to know about the House MAGA Majority that the first bill they voted on seeks to roll back President Biden and Democrats’ work to make ultra-wealthy tax cheats pay what they owe,” Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison released in a statement. “Not only would Republicans’ first bill blow a hole in the deficit and worsen inflation, but it would protect the billionaires and ultra-wealthy who cheat and pay a smaller share in federal taxes than many hard-working Americans.”

Many House Democrats echoed Harrison’s sentiments during the debate. Former President Donald Trump was repeatedly referenced by Democrats as an example of this abuse, with some even going so far as implying he was a tax cheat. Yet, an analysis of his tax returns revealed that any alleged outrage or criticism was not warranted. Trump’s tax returns turned out to be a nothingburger — again. It was just inflammatory rhetoric they used to facilitate anger, hatred, and division in the country.

So why didn’t Democrats try to make any changes? Some may say that they tried to do so by wanting to hire those thousands of agents. Additionally, many of them (inexplicably) become super wealthy during their time in office and then use the same tactics they criticize the rich for doing. Or have we all forgotten how former President Bill Clinton took a tax deduction for donated pairs of underwear?


Democrats are nothing but demagogues when it comes to taxes. They make such claims to generate anger and resentment in the middle class. All the while, they do the very same thing themselves. “Paying their fair share in taxes” is just left-wing gobbledygook meant to stoke division within the country. They only care about creating anger about the rich cheating everyone and then cashing in on that resentment during elections.

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