Biden has no legal or scientific case to steal your gas stove: Straight Up with Tiana Lowe


Lit gas stoves
Burners lit on the kitchen hob Alberto Gagliardi/Getty Images/iStockphoto

Biden has no legal or scientific case to steal your gas stove: Straight Up with Tiana Lowe

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In a move with absolutely no popular support, President Joe Biden‘s Consumer Product Safety Commission teased a ban on gas stoves. Does the executive branch have any legal basis to ban a product as banal as public stoves? Obviously not, as the Clean Air Act only allows the executive branch to regulate outdoor emissions. Is there any scientific basis to do this? Well, also no, as the “study” that is being touted wasn’t a replicable, independent study at all. Rather, it was an extrapolation of preexisting data that showed a correlation between gas stove use and childhood asthma.

But if we are made to evaluate this farcical proposal on the merits, we cannot ignore the practical implications for the public as a whole. Electricity is at least twice as expensive as gas, and unlike electric stoves, gas stoves still operate during blackouts, rendering them more reliable for areas with inclement weather and natural disasters. (Recall that in the Democratic bastion of California, Gov. Gavin Newsom specifically instates rolling blackouts to maintain the state’s archaic power grid.)

As a matter of cooking as a culinary art, there is no comparison. Electric stoves take far too long to heat up and cool down for any transition from boiling to simmering. Electric stoves are far more finicky with regard to cookware, requiring flat bottoms and simple alloys. Cooking is functionally an art, not a science, and gas stoves, by their physical nature, provide more flexibility and speed for the chef in question.

So, is it time to hoard gas stoves before the president allows a ban? To find out more, tune into the latest episode of the Washington Examiner‘s newest series, Straight Up with Tiana Lowe.

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