‘Health experts’ think childhood obesity can only be solved with drugs and surgery
Zachary Faria
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Forget sports and healthy eating habits. If your child is overweight, you need to start pumping him full of drugs and preparing him for surgery.
These are the unbelievable new guidelines coming out of the American Academy of Pediatrics. They encourage parents to aggressively begin pursuing medications for children dealing with obesity as young as 12 and surgery for children as young as 13. “Waiting doesn’t work,” according to Dr. Ihuoma Eneli, who co-authored the guidance.
According to Dr. Sandra Hassink, another co-author, obesity is now biological and apparently unpreventable. Hassink compares obesity to asthma. CBS News quotes another expert who says that “obesity is not a lifestyle problem. It is not a lifestyle disease. It predominately emerges from biological factors.”
That’s right — obesity is not the result of inactivity or eating tons of sugar. People simply biologically become fat. There is nothing that can be done about it but to shell out money for drugs and surgeries. And this dogma is now viewed as especially true for children, who can never possibly escape obesity by eating well, staying active, or growing into their bodies.
This is absurd. First of all, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined that shutting down youth sports and schools (which eliminated recess and physical education from children’s daily routines) resulted in an increase in childhood obesity. Children in California, which had the most stringent and longest-lasting lockdowns, saw the most weight gain. This fact, if true, proves all on its own that the AAP statement is both untrue and knowingly so.
But the AAP supported those lockdowns, in case you were wondering, by walking back its support for full school reopening in order to stay in line with malingering teachers unions, which used every excuse in the book to keep schools closed as long as possible. The AAP is a political organization that rewrote its own guidance to match leftist COVID-19 orthodoxy.
That has also bled into transgenderism. It isn’t hard to see the connection between the AAP telling parents to drug and chop up children to stop their being fat and “health experts” demanding the irreversible chemical and surgical mutilation of gender-confused children (which the AAP, of course, supports).
The AAP is one of the many organizations that exposed itself during the pandemic as a partisan sock-puppet, eager to rent out its “expert” status on behalf of unscientific nonsense. This is just a continuation of that trend.
Children do not need to become walking pharmaceutical cocktails in order to avoid obesity, nor do they need to be mutilated to address gender dysphoria. What children need is a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, responsible parents, and medical professionals who aren’t afraid to deliver hard truths rather than “affirm” that everything is meant to be. It is malpractice to recommend drugs and surgery for everything.