Buttigieg’s ‘flights for me but not for thee’ moment


0404 Buttigieg
Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, South Bend, Ind. mayor, address the National Action Network (NAN) convention, Thursday April 4, 2019, in New York. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

Buttigieg’s ‘flights for me but not for thee’ moment

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Travel issues have plagued the country since the Biden administration came into office. Most recently, many Americans experienced unusually significant travel delays during the Christmas season. Yet, despite all this chaos, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has done little, if anything, to try to resolve these issues. Now come reports that while many families suffered from Pete Buttigieg’s incompetence, he used taxpayer money to travel worldwide.

In what is becoming an all-too-familiar pattern since Jan. 20, 2021, the public suffers from the failures of the Biden administration while the president’s Cabinet and other cronies enjoy luxuries at the taxpayer’s expense. Americans for Public Trust revealed that Buttigieg used private jets at least 18 times, including trips to Europe with his husband, Chasten. Among these excursions was a trip in April to the Invictus Games in the Netherlands as part of a presidential delegation.


“Secretary Buttigieg’s travel woes keep piling up with this newest revelation that he and his husband took a private jet for a European trip,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director for the Americans for Public Trust, said. “Taxpayers, who just had their holiday plans completely upended because of Buttigieg’s travel mismanagement, should be furious.”

“Buttigieg manages to avoid all the problems he has created by flying private military jets around the world for non-military purposes, while everyday Americans bear the brunt of his detachment from their travel realities,” Sutherland added.

Admittedly, it’s common for Cabinet members to travel on private jets. Buttigieg is hardly the first government official to do so. However, unlike his predecessors, his travels are terrible optics for the following reasons.

First, as mentioned above, seeing government officials not have to endure the struggles as the rest of the population, especially when those struggles stem from the failures of your department, doesn’t come off as being a servant to the people in a country that’s supposed to be “of the people, by the people, for the people.”


Next, at a time when Democrats are calling for everyone to make “sacrifices” and lifestyle changes because of the impending doom and destruction of the world associated with climate change, using private jets comes off as highly hypocritical. Using private jets for travel is allegedly one of the worst modes of transportation for the environment.

Unfortunately, Buttigieg’s double standards are nothing new for the Biden administration (or Democrats). They constantly expect the common folk to adhere to standards they refuse to follow.

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