Maryland’s schools are drastically failing their students


Loraine Wilson
In this Jan. 9, 2018 photo, teacher Loraine Wilson, top right, helps bundle up pre-kindergarten students as they wait to be picked up at the end of a school day at Lakewood Elementary School in Baltimore. The recent spell of cold weather exposed the poor state of school buildings in many big-city East Coast districts, including Baltimore. Lakewood students were sent back home Monday morning after pipes burst just as buses began dropping youngsters off. The school was able to reopen for classes Tuesday. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Patrick Semansky/AP

Maryland’s schools are drastically failing their students

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As our country’s politicians continue to send billions to a foreign country, maybe some of those funds could be spent on Maryland’s education system. Our country’s leaders should pay attention too because the state’s schools are mired in a crisis of competence and failing their students, and no one is doing anything about it.

Recent standardized testing results revealed the untenable reality for children in Baltimore. Families send them to school to get an education so they can prepare for the real world and become productive members of society. Yet, the education system there is doing such a lousy job that the overwhelming majority of students need help to pass the most rudimentary academic tests.


In science, 91.3% of Baltimore County’s fifth graders rated not proficient. It is a pathetic number and indicative of how poor the school district is. And while administrators tried to blame the school closures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, tests from 2018 showed that results were nearly the same. Sadly, the most recent scores represented a 0.7% increase in science proficiency.

Statewide, results were better but continued to show a startling lack of academic performance among students. Consider the statewide test results in English and math. In 2022, between “40-45% of students rated proficient in English.” Teachers were pleased that this aligned with results before the pandemic. However, here’s a more critical question: What exactly is going on in Maryland’s schools, such that over half the students are not proficient in English?

Math results showed a much more significant decline. The report showed that “18% of 6th graders and 7% of 8th graders were proficient.” This declined from 2019, when students scored 30% and 13%, respectively. Administrators emphasized this was the result of school closings. That may be true, but the more significant issue should be the test scores before the pandemic.

How is academic performance this abysmal in Maryland’s schools? Shouldn’t there be some accountability in a statewide education system where 7 out of every 10 sixth graders and nearly 9 out of every 10 eighth graders aren’t meeting basic standards in math? These numbers are completely unacceptable. And when you consider that many of the officials running the schools have salaries making hundreds of thousands of dollars, all of Maryland must start demanding accountability.

Maybe if schools spent more time on English, math, and science instead of radical left-wing indoctrination such as critical race theory or teaching students that men can become pregnant, the nonsensical teachings of gender ideology, or promoting the social benefits of drag queen story hour, students in Maryland schools might be able to be proficient in their native language or compute remedial arithmetic.

Maryland parents must take back their educational rights. Schools have become left-wing indoctrination centers instead of educational institutions. Academic performances across the country have been steadily declining for years as teachers have shifted their priorities. These Democrats are setting up our country for failure and a swift decline because teachers are not adhering to their primary job requirements.

In Maryland, this is just the beginning. If something doesn’t change, millions of students will be left behind. Future generations will be able to tell everyone their innermost sensitive thoughts and why they identify as a feline or how they are 57 different genders. At the same time, children from China, Russia, and other geopolitical foes of the United States will be able to solve meaningful complex problems using math and science and leave America’s children in the dust.


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