The few, the not proud, the ‘woke’ Marines


091516_Marines_Hazing_Muslim pic
A Marine recruit committed suicide in March amid a widespread culture of hazing and abuse in his battalion at Parris Island. (Lance Cpl. David Bessey/U.S. Marine Corps Photo)

The few, the not proud, the ‘woke’ Marines

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The influence of the transgender lobby has now infiltrated the United States Marine Corps as a new study recommended the organization stop addressing drill instructors as “ma’am” or “sir.” The reason? Because doing so could lead to someone being “misgendered.” This is the magnitude of the left-wing indoctrination that has infiltrated the nation’s military.

The recommendation was the culmination of a study commissioned by the USMC by way of a $2 million contract conducted by the Warrior Human Performance Research Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The 739-page report stemmed from a congressional mandate on how the military could be more “inclusive” and implement a “gender-integrated training model.”


“Replace gendered identifiers (e.g., ‘sir,’ ‘ma’am’) in the primary salutation or response to drill instructors with gendered neutral language such as ‘drill instructor,’ ‘senior drill instructor,’ ‘senior,’ ‘DI,’ or ‘SDI,'” the report suggested.

“Employing gender-neutral identifiers eliminates the possibility of misgendering drill instructors, which can unintentionally offend or cause discord,” the report claimed. “By teaching recruits to use gender-neutral identifiers for their drill instructors, Services underscore the importance of respecting authoritative figures regardless of gender.”

In addition to the Marines, the study proposed for all branches to “deemphasize gender” to prevent awkward and potentially unpleasant interactions.

The study itself is a disturbing reality that, once again, shows just how powerful the Left has become. The military’s job is to protect the country from our enemies. When even they start caving to the Left’s cultural initiatives and succumb to intelligentsia’s demands to adhere to LGBT orthodoxy, it’s a dire warning of things to come.

Ultimately, there’s no reason for this. The transgender mob claimed it just wanted equality. Yet that was not true. It has manipulated societal sympathy to transform its pursuits from wanting equality to demanding priority. It wants to recreate a world in its vision in which everyone genuflects to accommodate its taboo lifestyle.

It is important to remember that no one is “misgendered” because there is no such thing as “misgendering.” It’s a fictional concept concocted by radical leftists to appease the LGBT mob. With the Marines, one would have thought someone would have been courageous enough to stand up against these toxic ideas. After all, the word “proud” is in their slogan. However, this study shows that they are just as weak as every other segment of society that has surrendered to the Left.


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