Five books you should read in the new year


John Bolton
FILE – Former National security adviser John Bolton gestures while speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, Sept. 30, 2019. The Justice Department says an Iranian operative has been charged in a plot to murder former Trump administration national security John Bolton. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File) Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Five books you should read in the new year

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Merry Christmas!

If you are like me, you have more books on the shelves than you can ever read, which also means that when you do read them, it may be a later calendar year than their release dates. Still, many of them retain freshness for several years at least.


In that spirit, and while leaving aside escapist fiction and books more than a few years old, here are five newish books touching on public policy that I read in the past year that are each worth a look from public-issue wonks.

The Original Meaning of the 14th Amendment: Its Letter and Spirit, by Randy E. Barnett and Evan D. Bernick. I start with the one most intellectually challenging even for specialists in the field — but also the one that most comprehensively sheds much-needed new light on an old question. Constitutional law wonks have argued for a century and a half about how to interpret the phrases “due process of law,” “equal protection,” and especially the much-discussed but usually neglected “privileges or immunities,” all of which either do or should have profound ramifications for how the Constitution is interpreted in ways consequential for American life. Here, two eminent law professors provide the most rigorous “original meaning” exegesis imaginable while arguing for rehabilitation of the long-dormant “privileges or immunities” protections. It’s a work of intellectual density but brilliant and, for Constitution enthusiasts, absolutely fascinating.

The Essential Scalia: On the Constitution, the Courts, and the Rule of Law, edited by Jeffrey S. Sutton and Edward Whelan. Sticking with the theme of constitutional law, this is one in a series of collections of writings of the late great Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, all edited and compiled at least in part by Whelan. Using excerpts from Scalia’s opinions and speeches, along with short context-setting by the editors and a warm foreword by Justice Elena Kagan, this collection is a handy and eminently readable survey of key areas of controversy in constitutional law. As always, Scalia’s famous wit shines through, along with his wisdom.

The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir, by John Bolton. The former national security adviser of the United States provides a comprehensive, well-organized, and admirably straightforward view of life in President Donald Trump’s West Wing, full of rich, interesting, and sometimes downright entertaining detail. Pay careful attention, and the reader also will be rewarded with subtle but droll and smile-worthy wit. This one merits a far fuller review, but for now, let’s say that Trump comes across (to his credit) as more engaged than this reader expected but also as dangerously volatile, inconsistent, and sometimes willfully ignorant.

The 1776 Report, edited by Larry Arnn, Carol Swain, and Matthew Spalding. The work of a Trump-created commission created to identify the most important and accurate facts, themes, and accounts of U.S. history and government, this report was trashed by the Left before it had even done its work. It instead should be praised by everybody. This small, booklet-sized report is admirably balanced, thoughtful, and insightful, refusing either to whitewash the bad parts of our shared heritage or to accept the Left’s false narrative that U.S. history is shameful. Factually, there’s basically nothing in the report that can be truthfully contested. Attitudinally, it’s a zephyr of fresh oxygen.

Donkeys, Elephants, and Giraffes, by Les East. This one is a novel, not a history or policy paper, but it is a clever “what if” political story about a scenario in which neither major party may be unable to secure enough electoral votes to grab the presidency. East is a Louisiana-based sportswriter, not a political guru, but he shows once again that sportswriters know how to construct a narrative. It’s a fun read.

There, that’s plenty for now. Happy reading in 2023!


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