As Obama and Biden talked gun violence in Philly, a mass shooting occurred 2 miles away
Christopher Tremoglie
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President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, and Democratic candidates John Fetterman and Josh Shapiro held a rally in North Philadelphia at Temple University on Saturday night. They discussed several topics ranging from abortion to violent crime. All of them expressed how much better Democrats were at helping people than Republicans and told the crowd they were the ones who truly cared about people. Yet, less than 2 miles from where they were rallying, a gunman opened fire and shot nine people.
It’s often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Voters in Philadelphia should take notice. The irony should not be lost that as elite Democrats were talking about gun violence, more Philadelphians were becoming victims of it. At least 25 people were shot over the weekend, including a 12-year-old boy who was killed.
The people will criticize Democratic leaders but then go vote for them on Nov. 8. At some point, voters must realize the insanity of electing Democrats to stop violent crime. They are just manipulating people to get their votes to stay in power — ironic, given what Obama himself said to the crowd.
“Pennsylvania, you’ve got a choice between politicians who seem willing to say anything and do anything to get power and people who see and care about you and share your values,” Obama said Saturday night during the rally.
Yeah, they see them, all right. They see them and choose to do nothing to help them.
Consider the presence of Fetterman and Shapiro at this rally. Both have contributed to keeping violent criminals out of jail and on the street. Fetterman’s had a penchant for releasing violent criminals, while Shapiro outright refused to take action against gun crime in Philadelphia. And now, after helping create this murderous environment, both are vying for promotions?
Obama lamented the very thing his party has become — especially in the Keystone State. Democrats control Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania has a Democratic governor and attorney general. That attorney general is none other than Josh Shapiro, the current Democratic nominee for governor. It’s an incestuous cycle of government incompetence and manipulation. While they continue to tout their superiority in protecting the people, bodies keep piling up on the street.
It’s absurd to think Democrats will help people with violent crime; they’re mainly responsible for its surge. Democrats, liberals, and other left-wingers are the problem, not the solution. They will tell you one thing to get elected and do the exact opposite while in power. Meanwhile, the voters, the same people they told they would protect, suffer the most.