Soros’s son paid to legalize hard drugs. Why was he welcome at Biden state dinner?


Austria Soros
George Soros, Founder and Chairman of the Open Society Foundations, looks before the Joseph A. Schumpeter award ceremony in Vienna, Austria, Friday, June 21, 2019. (AP Photo/Ronald Zak) Ronald Zak/AP

Soros’s son paid to legalize hard drugs. Why was he welcome at Biden state dinner?

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So, did you hear the one about presidential son Hunter Biden, George Soros’s son, a heroin epidemic in Oregon, and the White House state dinner for French President Emmanuel Macron?

It’s not a joke. It’s just a weird sort of political “connect the dots” exercise, largely but not entirely coincidental. Still, it boasts an underlying logic that says, yes, the Biden Democrats really aren’t bothered by drug addiction or by being vassals of the Soros enterprise to despoil U.S. civil society.


Let’s start with the most recent development, which is this week’s IRS release of disclosure forms related to the successful 2020 Oregon ballot initiative essentially to legalize heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other hard drugs. It is one of the worst public policy disasters in recent history. Levels of addiction and other pathologies already are exploding in that state, while the supposed incentives for people seeking addiction treatment have failed spectacularly and tragically.

The IRS documents show that one of the largest donors to the effort to implement the misbegotten law was the Open Society Policy Center, a flagship operation of left-wing billionaire George Soros on whose four-person board Soros’s son Alex is the key player. It gave $690,000 for the effort. Other Soros entities gave another $150,000 to that cause. The year before, of some $6 million spent to pass the legalization bill, about $5.5 million, or 92%, came from Soros-funded entities.

George Soros, of course, is the uber-controversial international financier who donates tens of billions of dollars to extreme left-wing causes and finances campaigns for radically weak-on-crime prosecutors. His son openly shares most of his father’s views, some of which have been anti-American.

National Democrats no longer even try to hide the Soros influence. In a perfect example of how large campaign cash secures access to a White House for rent, Biden included Alex Soros among the guests on Dec. 1 for his administration’s first-ever official state dinner, which honored Macron. Many of the other guests similarly were huge donors to Biden and Democratic campaign efforts.


Also mingling at the state dinner was Hunter Biden, the influence-peddling son of the president who infamously made self-pornographic videos featuring him repeatedly using hard drugs. (Hunter claims, blessedly, now to be clean, and decent people should wish him success in remaining so.) One would think the president, having seen first-hand the horrors of his son’s drug addictions, would resent the efforts of Alex Soros that have led to hard-drug use skyrocketing in Oregon without achieving the promised benefits of more people seeking and receiving treatment.

The Soros family is a malignant influence on American culture and politics. Its members should be shunned, not feted.

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