Democrats’ closing message is one of resignation
Kaylee McGhee White
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Democrats are hemorrhaging support from just about every demographic in the final stretch of the midterm elections. Suburban women, Hispanics, and even black voters are running into the arms of the GOP, making it likely that Republicans will win back the House, Senate, and several important governorships.
But Democrats don’t seem to care. With the exception of a few vulnerable Democratic candidates running in tough swing states, such as Ohio Senate candidate Tim Ryan, much of the party has chosen to laugh off the issues of the day and concerns about their policies and chide those who take them seriously.
Take, for example, former President Bill Clinton, who was brought in to campaign for Gov. Kathy Hochul (D-NY) over the weekend. Apparently, he thinks it’s hilarious that so many New Yorkers are concerned about crime. It’s not like Hochul “gets up every morning, goes to the nearest subway stop, and hands out billy clubs and baseball bats and everybody gets on the subway,” he quipped.
Maybe not, but that doesn’t change the fact that violent crime in New York is on the rise and no one in the Democratic Party seems willing to do anything about it. Even worse, Hochul has dismissed the issue herself, claiming increased crime rates are just a Republican “hoax.”
In Michigan, Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was given an opportunity last week to correct her false claim that public schools in her state were closed for only three months during the pandemic. She refused, insisting that schools were open by the fall of 2020. (Ann Arbor and Flint public schools started 2022 remotely). She also lied about her policy forcing nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients.
When asked about her COVID record again on Monday, Whitmer claimed the audio cut out and cut the interview short. If you’re a Michigander who is still feeling the effects of Whitmer’s pandemic policies, too bad. You won’t get any answers or accountability from her.
Then there’s House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), who resorted to Democrats’ favorite tactic when they run out of rational things to say: He played the Nazi card.
The United States is “on track” to repeat what happened in Nazi Germany, he said this weekend, arguing that inflation and other economic concerns aren’t nearly as important as the threat posed by former President Donald Trump, who has not been in office for nearly two years.
“I think that people should be voting in their own self-interest,” he said. “And their self-interest is much more than what you may or may not be paying for gas or a loaf of bread. The question is, are we going to have a society that everyone can participate in? Or are we going to have an autocracy?”
The list goes on and on. Hillary Clinton, who rarely does her party any favors, suggested that voters who rank inflation and the economy as their top concerns just aren’t smart enough to understand which issues are really important. The View’s Sunny Hostin compared suburban women to cockroaches because they’re leaning to the Right this election cycle.
Is this the best Democrats can do? Downplay voters’ concerns, refuse to own up to the consequences of their policies, and insult anyone who dares to ask what they’ve done to earn the public’s support?
This is a party that has given up. Democrats can’t even be bothered to pretend to care about crime, inflation, pandemic fallout, or the voters themselves whose votes they expect this Tuesday. Their closing message is one of resignation — they have nothing to offer and very little progress to defend. And voters know it.