Biden really doesn’t want GOP looking into his botched Afghanistan withdrawal


Germany Afghanistan
FILE –Children stand behind a fence in a hangar as they wait for their departure at the Ramstein U.S. Air Base in Ramstein, Germany, Monday, Aug. 30, 2021. The German government is launching a new program to help to bring about 1,000 people who are at risk of persecution in Afghanistan to Germany each month. The program is part of an agreement between the three governing parties.(AP Photo/Matthias Schrader,file) Matthias Schrader/AP

Biden really doesn’t want GOP looking into his botched Afghanistan withdrawal

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President Joe Biden’s aides are reportedly far more worried about the GOP examining his Afghanistan withdrawal than any sort of investigation into Hunter Biden. It isn’t hard to see why.

Joe Biden’s aides are worried about House Republicans leading committee investigations and wielding subpoena power to look into Biden’s handling of the withdrawal because they can’t dismiss it as a partisan witch hunt — the way they have and will with any examination of Hunter Biden’s business ties. It is not without reason that the president’s approval rating tanked during the withdrawal and has never recovered.


Joe Biden repeatedly assured Americans that Afghanistan would not fall to the Taliban, and then it immediately did. He left Afghan translators, who helped American soldiers for years, to their fate with the Taliban. He stranded hundreds of Americans in Afghanistan after giving them conflicting messages that they should evacuate, but also that the Taliban wouldn’t take over. Afghans attempting to flee Taliban control clung to, and fell from, planes that were evacuating Americans.

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) is telegraphing the only defense the Biden administration has: This was all bound to happen. The chaos was unavoidable. No president could have had a “neat and tidy” withdrawal from Afghanistan that didn’t result in Afghans having their brains scattered on runways.

But would every president have chosen to allow the Taliban to take control of Kabul, Afghanistan, before Americans had even finished evacuating? Leaving the security of the city during the withdrawal to the Taliban allowed a suicide bomber to kill 13 U.S. service members. Surely there is a good number of prospective presidents who would not, in fact, trust the enemy with security during an American evacuation?

Would any other president have then, in retaliation for the suicide bombing, conducted a drone strike against an Afghan aid worker with no discernible terrorist ties? Would any other president have sent Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley out to call it a “righteous strike,” even though the Pentagon knew within hours that they killed a civilian?

More specifically, Biden and company massacred 10 civilians, including seven children, in retaliation for a suicide bombing that killed 13 U.S. troops. Was this inevitable, as the Biden administration and Murphy claim?

Biden’s approval rating has never recovered from the Afghanistan withdrawal because it exposed him as a fraud. He was never competent. His “empathy” act was always a charade. As a result, he stranded Americans in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, condemned our Afghan allies to their fates, got 13 U.S. troops killed, and launched a drone strike against civilians so that he could take a “righteous” victory lap. All the while, he misled or outright lied to everyone about what was happening and what was going to happen.

Is it really any wonder why the Biden administration is worried about Republicans investigating this issue further?


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