Perkiomen Valley students who protested transgender policy deserve applause


Perkiomen Valley High School sign
Perkiomen Valley High School sign. Christopher Tremoglie/<i>Washington Examiner</i>

Perkiomen Valley students who protested transgender policy deserve applause

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High school students just want to feel safe. And the students at Perkiomen Valley organized a peaceful protest and student-led walkout to ensure that safety. Their bravery and strength deserve recognition.

That’s the message that hundreds of high school students from a Philadelphia suburb wanted to convey after organizing a walkout to protest the district’s transgender bathroom policy. It’s a story that most legacy media didn’t report because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the radical Left.


The bathroom policy change was made earlier this month at Perkiomen Valley School District, a suburb outside of Philadelphia, after Tim Jagger, a female student’s father, posted on Facebook about his daughter’s encounter on the first day of school. The Mercury reported that Jagger’s daughter was “pretty sure a male entered the bathroom while she was in there. She is now afraid to use the facilities.”

“There is zero reason for someone with male genitalia to be in the girls’ facilities,” Jagger told the Perkiomen Valley school board earlier this month. “It’s a simple matter of biology, safety, and personal space.”

Students — hundreds of students — then decided to take action. It was the kind of action the Left, or its accomplices in the media, don’t like to discuss. Many of them are fed up with the extremist transgender agenda and vehemently oppose it. They feel they shouldn’t have to compromise their values or security in public schools so that left-wing, agenda-driven agitators could brainwash students with a sociopolitical and cultural agenda.

Despite these students’ suppression and attempted silencing, their voices deserve to be heard just as much as any student with rainbow-colored hair, piercings through their ears, eyebrows, noses, lips, and shirts that list their pronouns. They have just as much of a right to want to feel safe in schools, and that is why close to 500 students walked out of Perkiomen Valley School District in September.


Equality is about upholding the norms of society and making sure they are available for everyone. It’s not about creating new ones to appease the selective outrage and claims of marginalization by agenda-driven activists masquerading as educators. There is a commonsense compromise available on transgender bathrooms that doesn’t force children to feel threatened, endangered, or uncomfortable.

The students should be commended for their courageous and bold actions. It’s long overdue for the voices who oppose the contemporary transgender movement to receive acknowledgment and recognition. Students nationwide should follow the example of the lionhearted pupils in Perkiomen Valley who said that enough is enough. Even though they are just high school students, they showed they can teach many of the adults in government how to stand for what is right.

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