Rand Paul just stood up for the American taxpayer regarding aid to Ukraine


Rand Paul
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks to reporters about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and his recent freeze-ups on camera, at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023. Paul, an ophthalmologist and eye surgeon by training, challenged the conclusions of Capitol Hill attending physician Brian Monahan, who released a letter suggesting McConnell’s episodes were the result of dehydration. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Rand Paul just stood up for the American taxpayer regarding aid to Ukraine

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Ukraine has received billions of dollars in aid from the United States to help with its war with Russia. Despite this, Democrats in Congress want to send even more to the war-torn country. And they are willing to do so even if it means a government shutdown in this country.

It’s a fiscally irresponsible move and detrimental to the United States, and it’s precisely why Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) declared he will not support any more aid to Ukraine.


“I rise to put the leadership of the House, the Senate, and the president of the United States on notice. I will not consent to any expedited passage of any spending bill that provides any more American aid to Ukraine,” Paul said in a press release from Sept. 20. “It’s as if no one has noticed that we have no extra money to send to Ukraine. Our deficit this year will exceed $1.5 trillion.”

Paul is correct and should be applauded for his statements. What has happened in Ukraine is tragic, and innocent people are suffering because of the tyrannical whims of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Nevertheless, it is not the nation’s responsibility to fund the war in Ukraine. Politicians in this country have a duty to do what’s best for the American people, not Ukrainians.

“As elected officials, we have an obligation to pursue a foreign policy that advances the security and prosperity of our country. Funneling billions of dollars that have to be borrowed into the meat grinder of eastern Ukraine does neither,” Paul’s press release read. “The longer this conflict continues, the greater the risk that miscalculation or purposeful escalation draws the United States into direct conflict with Russia.”

The Biden administration has authorized over $75 billion in aid to Ukraine — $75 billion! The country has numerous issues plaguing Americans, such as a failing public education system, the homelessness crisis, an opioid epidemic, and other problems. The nation shouldn’t send billions overseas while millions endure such hardships and challenges. Taxpayer money should be prioritized for citizens in this country. These are the voiceless for whom Paul spoke up for this week.

“We cannot continue with business as usual. We cannot continue to put the needs of other countries above our own,” Paul said. “We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy, and we certainly cannot save Ukraine by fighting a war with Russia. As we go further and further into debt, we become weaker. It’s not just that this is not helping our national security.”

Moreover, Paul saw the bigger picture and the myriad of problems the fiscal irresponsibility of the never-ending loan program to Ukraine will cause the nation. These billions of dollars jeopardize the nation’s welfare and sustainability. Our politicians have to get our own house in order before we spend ourselves into oblivion by worrying about Ukraine. This was the impetus for Paul’s declaration.


“The very threat to our national security is our debt. The more we send money overseas, the more we deplete our munitions, the worse things get,” Paul’s press release continued.

“No matter how sympathetic we are to the Ukrainian people, we must put the American people first. And to that end, I encourage my colleagues to oppose any effort to hold the federal government hostage for Ukraine funding.”

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