BLM tries to get the gravy train flowing again in Los Angeles


080116 Biery BLM orgs release policy agenda-pic
Some of the changes include an end to militarized police presence at protests and the retroactive decriminalization and immediate release of people convicted of drug offenses, sex work-related offenses and youth offenses. (Bryan Bennett/Kalamazoo Gazette-MLive Media Group via AP) Bryan Bennett

BLM tries to get the gravy train flowing again in Los Angeles

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After a seemingly years-long hiatus of indulging in the mansions, luxuries, and millions of dollars in wealth they obtained by exploiting the “white guilt” of many liberals, Black Lives Matter resurfaced this week in Los Angeles in a desperate attempt to regain relevance and once again restart deposits to its bank accounts.

The financially exploitative group disrupted a meeting of the Los Angeles Police Department Board of Police Commissioners earlier this week to demand the removal of Michel Moore, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department.


The basis for the group’s latest phony fundraising scheme? BLM claimed that Moore didn’t protect black people in Los Angeles and failed to demonstrate leadership, the Washington Examiner reported.

“We are here because our community continues to be abused,” Stephen “Cue” Jn-Marie of the Row Church said. “We have family, after family, after family — we’ve been coming to this commission since 2015, and some of us even before that.”

“We’re here today to call on Michel Moore’s removal,” said Melina Abdullah, a BLM organizer and current professor at California State University Los Angeles. “We’re here today because the stolen lives have to stop. The killing of black people and killing of Angelenos at the hands of police has to stop. We’re now saying we can’t let another day go by, another life be stolen, without rising up as a city and saying Moore must go. No more Moore.”

These are the same kind of hollow accusations the group used to promote deceitful lies such as “Hands up, don’t shoot.” BLM’s actions at this week’s LAPD meeting are nothing more than a money-making scheme. The group must need a new revenue stream because its bank accounts are probably drying up — a point made by the board of directors of the Los Angeles Police Protective League.

“With all the published financial and nepotism accusations swirling around the BLM leadership, we suggest they get their own house in order and focus on actually accomplishing something, anything, that will make LA safer,” a statement from the LAPPL read.

Meanwhile, innocent black people in the city are being terrorized by criminals who are black, yet the group has said or done nothing about that. Recent statistics show that black people make up 8% of the population in Los Angeles. Yet, they account for 24% of violent crime victims and 39% of homicide victims, according to ABC 7. Furthermore, black people are the reported offenders in 41% of violent crimes, 39% of homicides and 50% of robberies.

The data showed that black people disproportionately commit violent crimes at shocking rates, but BLM has yet to acknowledge this. Why? Because the organization cannot rake in millions of dollars fundraising by acknowledging these facts. White-guilt liberals who repeatedly profess their concern about the welfare of black Americans keep their wallets and purses shut when black people are the victims of black criminals.


BLM’s actions surely are dictated by profit, not principle, as evidenced by their repeated misuse of funds and mansion shopping spree. The group’s banal demands do nothing to help black lives or show that black lives matter.

Probably the only thing that ever mattered to BLM was exploiting the white guilt of liberals for as much money as possible. BLM has wholly discredited itself; no one should give the group attention anymore.

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