Mayorkas says Biden border policies are working fine but just need tweaks


Migrant Children Texas
In this March 30, 2021, file photo, minors lie inside a pod at the Donna Department of Homeland Security holding facility, in Donna, Texas. Dario Lopez-Mills/AP

Mayorkas says Biden border policies are working fine but just need tweaks

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To any rational observer, President Joe Biden’s immigration policies have been a complete and total failure. Just ask columnist Fareed Zakaria, a writer not known for agreeing with Republicans on anything.

“Apprehensions at the southern border are surging again,” Zakaria noted in his latest column. “Texas border towns have long been inundated by the waves of arrivals, but now that migrants are being bused into cities such as New York, Chicago and D.C., local governments there are facing backbreaking expenses to house them. New York Mayor Eric Adams was exaggerating only slightly when he said the problem would ‘destroy’ the city.”


Zakaria concludes, “The migrant crisis is exposing Democratic policy weakness at every level.”

When even columnists such as Zakaria point out that Biden’s border policies are a failure, it’s hard not to expect something to change in the White House. The Biden administration has to be listening to all of these Democratic mayors and governors who are saying its border policies are simply unsustainable. Surely, someone in the Biden administration is working on a course correction?


At the end of a long article with the headline “Why Biden’s Border Policies Aren’t Working,” Michelle Hackman and Tarini Parti report the Biden administration believes the policies it implemented to replace Title 42 are working just fine.

Hackman and Parti report, “In an interview with reporters this week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pointed to that program as evidence that the current approach is working but needs tweaks.”

Only inside the Biden White House does anyone think “the current approach” to border policy is “working” but just needs a few “tweaks.”

Here, in the real world, the United Nations just named Biden’s border crisis the “deadliest land route for migrants worldwide,” and the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General just published a report showing the DHS doesn’t even know where hundreds of thousands of immigrants they released into the country are.

In August 2021, when it was already obvious that Biden’s border policies were failing, there was a discussion in the White House about changing course and bringing back the successful border policies of the previous administration. However, these border hawks lost, and it has been nothing but catch and release ever since.

But hey, it could be worse, right? In fact, that seems to be the Biden administration’s thinking. “Wasn’t everyone very, very concerned about 10,000, 12,000, 14,000 crossings a day?” Mayorkas told the Wall Street Journal. “We haven’t experienced that.”


So instead of arresting 300,000 migrants every month at the southern border, under Biden’s policies, we are only arresting 200,000 a month, and Mayorkas thinks this is a success.

Apparently, the border crisis is going to have to get a lot worse before the Biden White House even considers changing policy.

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