Trump wants you to stop talking about Biden’s age


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Donald Trump and Joe Biden. AP

Trump wants you to stop talking about Biden’s age

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President Joe Biden’s age is thus far the most effective argument against his reelection in 2024. Former President Donald Trump already neutralizes that argument due to his own age, but he wants to make it clear that he plans to avoid talking about Biden’s age at all costs.

Trump recently said that Biden is “not too old at all” to be president, but that he is simply “grossly incompetent.” This matches what Trump has been saying for months, going back to June, when he defended Biden’s age against Fox News host Sean Hannity. Biden is currently 80 years old and would be 86 after a full second term in office.


This is obviously a selfish move from Trump, who happens to be 77 and would be older than Biden is now at the end of a second Trump term. The problem with this is that Biden’s age is one of the GOP’s biggest advantages (along with the economy) heading into 2024.

Consider the fact that Trump is right that Biden is indeed grossly incompetent. This has been true for decades. Biden was always a bumbling fool who liked to hear the sound of his own voice and managed to be on the wrong side of nearly every issue while running terrible presidential campaigns. And yet liberal media painted him throughout the 2020 election as the elder statesman who would return dignity and competence to the Oval Office, and Trump failed to put a dent in that argument on his way to an embarrassing 2020 loss.

Biden’s age and clear cognitive decline can’t be plastered over by media narratives. Voters can see it with their own eyes every time they come across a video of Biden speaking for more than 15 seconds. Just look at his incoherent ramblings from his latest trip to Vietnam that ended in him suddenly announcing that he is going to bed.


The media can’t hide that, and the simple juxtaposition of Biden on a debate stage with a candidate who wasn’t born in the 1940s could itself be enough for the GOP to win back the White House. And yet Trump actively wants to remove the issue from the table due to his own age, likely because his age is catching up to him, which has been made clear by his almost nonexistent Iowa campaign.

Biden is too old to be president. Republicans shouldn’t ignore or downplay that fact just because Trump is also too old to be president. GOP voters should choose a candidate who can capitalize on all of Biden’s biggest weaknesses, not one who is actively trying to limit the GOP’s best arguments.

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