Newsom thinks he can make China magically care about climate change


California Governor Homelessness
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) speaks during an interview with<i> Politico</i> in Sacramento, California, on Sept. 12, 2023. Rich Pedroncelli/AP

Newsom thinks he can make China magically care about climate change

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Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) is going to be the latest Democrat to travel to China and grovel at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party over climate change, and he will accomplish nothing because China doesn’t care about the climate.

In the latest presidential stunt in his “I swear I’m not running for president” shadow campaign, Newsom announced that he would be visiting China, explaining, “The imperative of maintaining a relationship on climate with China is about the fate and future of this planet.” This comes after several California climate officials returned from their own trip to China last week.


The problem here is that China simply does not care. China does not care about carbon emissions, as evidenced by its uninspiring promises (that cannot be enforced anyway) in the Paris Climate Accords. China’s carbon emissions are continuing to surge as the country builds several more coal power plants. China is also the world’s leading plastic polluter.

China does not buy into the hysterical rhetoric of Democrats and other global elites on climate change. The CCP makes empty promises on climate to assuage global elites and Western politicians and nothing more. While President Joe Biden wants the U.S. to funnel taxpayer money to a “climate reparations” fund, China is actually a potential recipient of those funds as a “developing country.”


Therefore, while Newsom tries to force Californians into buying more expensive, more unreliable electric vehicles and cripples the state’s energy grid with ineffective renewable energy sources, China continues to build coal plants and erase any progress that California or the U.S. can make on carbon emissions. On top of that, China is happy to play along because it means Democratic officials, such as Biden’s climate envoy John Kerry, get off their back about slave labor because that labor is being used to make solar panels.

Newsom’s trip to China will do nothing to save the planet or whatever other nonsense he thinks he is capable of. China does not care what Newsom, Kerry, Biden, or anyone else says about climate change and pollution. The trip will accomplish nothing but give Newsom another boasting point in his totally-not-a-presidential campaign.

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