Californians want no part of the state’s reparations plan


Lady Justice before a flag of California
Close-up of a small bronze statuette of Lady Justice before a flag of California. (iStock)

Californians want no part of the state’s reparations plan

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In case there is any doubt that California’s Democratic leaders are far more radical than the state’s residents, Californians have made it clear that they are resoundingly opposed to reparations payments.

A poll from the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies found that 59% of all voters in California are opposed to paying reparations for slavery to black residents, with just 28% supporting. It is not just white Californians who are opposed, either: Latino voters oppose reparations 59%-25%, and Asian voters oppose it 59%-23%. Unsurprisingly, black voters are heavily in favor.


It isn’t hard to see why non-black residents would oppose black residents receiving free money from the government, given that slavery ended over 150 years ago and California was not a slave state to begin with. The idea of reparations was a byproduct of the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, where California Democrats got out over their skis in their pursuit of being the progressive model for the rest of the country.

The result is a reparations plan that would cost nearly three times the state’s annual budget and contains provisions that have nothing to do with slavery, including abolishing cash bail, pushing rent control, and increasing the minimum wage. And if you think 59% opposition to reparations is bad, imagine what it would be when Californians are told that the state would likely have to cut more programs and raise taxes to account for the costs at a time when it is already cutting programs due to its budget deficit and when Californians are already fleeing the heavy tax burden.


This is not the first time California residents have reminded the country that they are not devout followers of the Democratic Party’s racial obsession. In 2020, voters reaffirmed the state’s 1996 ban on affirmative action by a 57%-42% vote, right in the heat of the Black Lives Matter moment and fresh off of riots and absurd racial demands. In fact, that vote was even more lopsided than the vote for the initial ban in 1996.

While Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) and other Democratic leaders whined about affirmative action being struck down by the Supreme Court, Californians have made it clear time and again that they want no part of the Democratic Party’s racial obsession. That is especially true now, when that racial obsession threatens to bankrupt the already failing state at their expense.

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