Chicago Teachers Union president thinks only rich people should have school choice


Chicago public school teachers and their supporters picket in front of the Chicago Public Schools headquarters on Sept. 11, 2012, in Chicago, Illinois. Scott Olson/Getty ImagesScott Olson

Chicago Teachers Union president thinks only rich people should have school choice

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It is typical for Democrats and activists who oppose school choice for poorer families to send their children to private schools rather than the failing public schools other students are trapped in, but that doesn’t make the hypocrisy any less galling.

The latest hypocrite in a long list of hypocrites on this issue is Stacy Davis Gates, the president of the Chicago Teachers Union. Gates has previously claimed that school choice was invented by racists and condemned people who “favor privatizing our city’s public schools.” Sure enough, Gates recently confirmed that she is now sending her eldest son to a private school.


Her attempted defenses only expose just how superior Gates views herself to other parents who do not have the money to do the same thing as her. “The course offerings are very marginal and limited,” Gates said of her local public schools. She wanted her son to be able “to participate in co-curricular and extracurricular activities,” which simply “don’t exist” in her local public schools. Those schools don’t even offer a school newspaper, and her son wants to play soccer in high school, which means he must be able to go to a private school.

Luckily for Gates, her job as a union president/public sector leech earned her nearly $150,000 last year in salary alone. Therefore, she can get her child out of those “marginal,” “limited” public schools where extracurricular activities “don’t exist” and send him to a private school for a better education and a better high school experience.

That is because Gates thinks she and her child are better than other parents and their children. After all, the children who are forced to go to those “marginal,” “limited” public schools come from poorer families. Therefore, they don’t deserve to be able to play soccer, have a school newspaper, or take interesting classes. According to Gates, only rich people like her should be able to secure that experience for their children.


In the meantime, while Gates demands that those poorer families be locked into the failing schools she pulled her son out of, she will continue to condemn making public schools more like the private one she whisked her son to. She will continue to say it is racist to give poor families the ability and financial aid to attend schools outside of their ZIP codes. And she will continue to rake in money to make demands of public schools while everyone knows she has personally rejected them for private schools.

The hypocrisy of school choice opponents knows no bounds, and neither does their shamelessness. Then again, maybe those poor parents should just leech off taxpayers as a useless union president if they really want a better future for their children.

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