Will Hunter Biden jeopardize his father’s presidency and demand Joe Biden testify?


Hunter Biden
Hunter and Joe Biden. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

Will Hunter Biden jeopardize his father’s presidency and demand Joe Biden testify?

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Thanks to U.S. District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision to begin Donald Trump‘s federal election interference case on the day before Super Tuesday, the likely Republican presidential nominee will spend the bulk of the 2024 election cycle in the middle of one, if not many, criminal trials.

Now to throw a second bomb into the mix, the incumbent president (and fellow presumptive Democratic nominee) may be called to the stand to testify in the criminal trial against his own son.


As you may recall, the attempt of Joe Biden’s Justice Department to insulate Hunter Biden from future prosecution related to his overseas influence peddling and profiteering blew up in spectacular fashion back in July. The sweetheart deal of the century would have spared the infamous failson from criminal consequences for potential FARA violations and other charges relating to illegal lobbying for the small price of pleading guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and a pretrial diversion program demanding gainful employment and sobriety from drugs and alcohol. It was only once Judge Maryellen Noreika forced the DOJ to fess up that the deal blew up, as she described the deal as potentially “unconstitutional,” without precedent, and “not worth the paper it is printed on.”

Prior to the plea deal, the younger Biden’s legal team apparently threatened the DOJ with the promise that they would call the president to the stand if at least one of his pending criminal cases went to trial. Evidently, the ultimatum worked, until Noreika proved that sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant, forcing prosecutors to renege on their end. Now that Biden refuses to fess up and plead guilty, David Weiss, the U.S. Attorney-cum-special counsel appointed into the boss’s favorite boy, is reportedly indicting Hunter on the gun charges from the initial deal by the end of this month.


Joe Biden may not love his son in the sense that other parents more dedicated to instilling discipline and ethics in their children do, but there’s little question that the president has long been loyal to him. From Biden’s backers at MBNA to Bill Clinton’s Commerce Department, Hunter Biden has always found a paycheck from his dad’s closest allies, and despite the political liability of Hunter Biden’s continued adultery and desertion of his own wife and children, Biden repeatedly maintained that his “son did nothing wrong.” Full stop, period.

But now we’ll see just how loyal Hunter Biden is in return. Will Hunter Biden stand on his own and finally embrace the consequences of his own actions, or will he demand that his dad testify in his defense? If the trial, like Trump’s, begins in 2024, will Hunter Biden call the president to the stand and imperil his reelection? It’s a question his father may wish he never had to learn the answer to.

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