Fifteen racists in Florida is not a national news story


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Fifteen racists in Florida is not a national news story

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The liberal media’s appetite for stories about racism has so warped their priorities and understanding of reality that any small collection of losers can become a national story because it feeds into the media’s narratives.

This week, the small collection of losers was a group of neo-Nazis protesting outside of Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Chanting “Heil Hitler” and “we are everywhere,” the group managed to get the attention of NBC News, Insider, and Rolling Stone despite the fact that there were only “a few dozen,” according to Insider, and a more precise count of 15 — yes, just 15 — according to NBC.


So how does a collection of 15 losers and their ramblings become a national news story worthy of being covered by Rolling Stone or NBC? For one, it serves as more supposed evidence that America is a deeply racist country and that the media’s obsession with putting race at the front of every story is justified. It serves the same function as the hate crime hoaxes that are constantly covered with no journalistic curiosity about whether or not they are even true because they “prove” how racist the country really is.

Secondly, this particular pathetic protest offers some political utility because it occurred in Florida. That gave Insider cover to use the partisan Anti-Defamation League to tie these neo-Nazis and others to Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL). NBC used the fact that the protest was outside Disney World to highlight DeSantis, and Rolling Stone went even further by boosting the false claim that the neo-Nazis over whom it was obsessing were DeSantis supporters when, in reality, they were expressing their hatred of DeSantis.


It is a simple game plan and one that liberal media have dutifully followed since Barack Obama’s presidency. Anything the Left pretends is proof of the country’s “systemic racism” is a national story, even if it’s just 15 losers walking around in dorky costumes. Anything that portrays Republicans as racist, even if the racist group is explicitly denouncing them, is also worth a national news story. It’s the same impulse that led CNN and others to make a villain of a high school student for smiling while wearing a MAGA hat.

In case it is not obvious, the liberal media narrative of pervasive, unavoidable racism in America is entirely manufactured, whether it is off the back of false activist narratives about police, hate crime hoaxes, or protests of 15 people such as the one NBC and others were so determined to let everyone know were occurring. Liberal media have abandoned journalist integrity in service of their own partisan narratives, and this is another prime example.

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