Actually, segregating children is racist


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Actually, segregating children is racist

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Just so that you are caught up on what liberal “anti-racism” means, here is a helpful addition to the handbook: Segregating children by skin color and keeping minority children away from white children is good, while opposing that segregation makes you a racist.

Such is the lesson out of Oakland, California, where an elementary school held a “playdate” for minority children only, an utterly backward attempt to make minority children feel more comfortable at the predominantly white school. As a member of the school’s equity and inclusion committee put it, “We created our event knowing we live in a country where everything is white by default. When people say American, they automatically think white.”


Nothing says “inclusion” much like affirming that thought and creating separate events for the “other” children, which would be the opposite of the white “default.” Then again, maybe the Bay Area, one of the most liberal areas in the country, is also one of the most racist.

That would seem to be the takeaway from columnist Justin Phillips. Phillips bemoans that evil racists would accuse the school of “bringing back segregation in schools” by … segregating children based on race. He complains that the Bay Area is indeed full of vehement racists, with two of the three examples of this pervasive racism being words written on bathroom stalls in schools. He also complains that San Francisco hasn’t approved reparations for slavery. Turns out Bay Area Democrats are the real racists.

Phillips’s main focus, though, is on the threats and hateful emails that were sent to the school once news of the event hit the internet. As it turns out, the internet is full of terrible people who say terrible things with keyboards over just about everything, not just racism. College athletes get death threats over poor game performances. It’s a lousy side effect of the internet, but anything that makes people mad garners a similar reaction to what Oakland’s segregated school event did. The entirely online reaction doesn’t prove the necessity of the event, as Phillips contends.


At the end of the day, this event was segregation. It clearly encourages minority children to avoid white children, no matter what babbling academic justification you want to give it. The event tells minority children that they are the “other” to white children’s “default.” Consider this: If you asked a racist if all minority children should have their own playdates separate from white children, what do you think the answer would be?

It would be the same answer that Phillips and the school’s “inclusion” bureaucrats gave. The only difference would be that the actual damage being done here is being done to children courtesy of a school that is supposed to prepare them for the real world and a media publication that is supposed to inform and persuade the public, both of whom are saying that segregating children is good and necessary. Phillips is right that this whole ordeal proves that racism is alive and well in America — he is just blissfully unaware of where that racism is coming from.

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