One mom’s fight for liberty: Landmark legal victory against school who secretly transitioned daughter


Alicia Konen and Jessica Konen
Alicia Konen and Jessica Konen Mark Trammell’s X, formerly Twitter, page

One mom’s fight for liberty: Landmark legal victory against school who secretly transitioned daughter

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Democrats, liberals, and others on the radical Left told the world that teachers weren’t transitioning students. They claimed such stories were lies and conspiracies driven by hate-filled conservatives and Republicans to hide their homophobia and anti-trans beliefs. But just like every other thing the Left claims is a conspiracy led by the Right, they are the ones conspiring.

It was all deceit and misinformation. And Jessica Konen’s landmark court victory in California revealed the dangers children face from teachers and school officials in 2023.


Alicia Konen was “socially transitioned” from a girl into a boy by teachers at a California school district. Fortunately, Alicia’s mother, Jessica Konen, had the courage to protect her daughter. She took a stand against the cult-like devotion of the indoctrination of children to convince them to change their sexual orientation and gender identity happening in schools today.

“I decided to actually go public with the story because I knew that I needed to fight for her, I needed to be able to provide that parental guidance that she needed … I decided to go forward with the story because I wanted to protect her and I wanted to be there for her,” Konen said.

Konen fought against radical, left-wing cultural extremists at Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County, California. It paid off — figuratively and literally. Konen won a $100,000 judgment against the school district for “socially transitioning” her daughter by using male pronouns for Alicia and granting her permission to use the boy’s bathroom at the school. All of these horrible things were done without Jessica’s consent or knowledge.

“If you choose not to fight for your children, then they will fight and take your children,” Jessica Konen said in a statement after her victory in court. “Stand up, parents; it’s your right to be able to parent your own children.”

The Center for American Liberty aided Konen’s lawsuit, Fox News reported. CAL detailed the school’s efforts in transitioning Jessica. It’s a harrowing and cautious tale to which all parents should pay attention.

Alicia joined the school’s “Equality Club” in sixth grade and began learning “LGBT concepts” such as bisexuality and transgenderism, according to Fox News. In sixth grade, students’ ages range from 10-12, and they shouldn’t be learning such topics at school. CAL noted that Alicia was then given “articles on how to conceal her supposed new gender identity from her mother” and was given a “‘Gender Support Plan’ that required school staff to refer to her by a male name,” Fox News reported. It’s indicative of how educators brainwash students into believing they are transgender in today’s schools.

“The right to direct the upbringing of a child undeniably belongs to parents, not schools,” Mark Trammell, Executive Director of CAL, told me. “Jessica Konen’s win reaffirms that important precedent and sends a deafening message to school districts across the country — if you secretly transition kids without parental notification or consent, you will pay out the nose.”

Furthermore, Konen established a precedent for all parents to follow against schools and teachers reaching beyond their authority and imposing their morality on the young, vulnerable, and innocent minds of school students nationwide. She showed that parents do not have to let agenda-driven, holier-than-thou educators — who believe they are morally and intellectually superior to parents — imbue and influence children into making significant, life-altering decisions.

In 2023, agenda-driven activist teachers fill young children’s heads with their moralities, ideologies, and beliefs. In today’s classrooms, where students fail to meet basic academic standards, teachers no longer teach the academic necessities of reading, writing, science, and arithmetic. Instead, many of them exploit the vulnerability of their young minds by engaging in lessons that shouldn’t be taught in schools. They act as master brainwashers and influence susceptible young children. They want to indoctrinate, not educate.


A child’s sexual orientation or gender identity isn’t a teacher, educator, or school official’s responsibility. Alicia Konen showed the vulnerability of children’s minds; Jessica Konen showed how to get justice for exploiting these minds.

Parents must be vigilant. Gender ideology has no place in schools. Teachers should do the job they are paid to do and ensure students can competently do math, science, reading, and writing. Leave the parenting to the mothers and fathers who brought the children into this world.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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