Do white victims of black hate crimes matter to Biden?


Joe Biden
Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden, speaks during a candidates forum at the 110th NAACP National Convention, Wednesday, July 24, 2019, in Detroit. (Carlos Osorio/AP)

Do white victims of black hate crimes matter to Biden?

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Do white victims of black hate crimes matter to the president of the United States? It’s a question everyone should be asking after President Joe Biden’s inconsistent responses to recent hate crime incidents in the country.

After the tragic murder of three black people by a white gunman in Jacksonville on Saturday, Biden denounced the alleged hate crime. However, after a black man killed two white men in Tulsa, Oklahoma, “because they were white,” Biden said nothing. Why didn’t Biden acknowledge these hate crimes by a black man? It’s a disgusting trend for the 46th president, who has made a political career of pandering and fearmongering black people.


Furthermore, after the Jacksonville incident, Attorney General Merrick Garland immediately announced that the Department of Justice would investigate it as “racially motivated violent extremism.” By all available evidence, unless I missed the press release or news coverage, there weren’t any federal investigations launched about the incident in Tulsa. Why not?

“Yesterday in Jacksonville, Florida, a white gunman went on a shooting rampage at a store near a Historically Black University and killed three black individuals,” Biden said on Sunday. “While we still need to learn more about the motivation for Saturday’s shooting, law enforcement has opened a federal civil rights investigation and is treating this incident as a possible hate crime and act of domestic violent extremism.”

Biden was correct to make such a statement. Hate crimes are horrific and have no place in this country. But that holds true regardless of the victims’ race. That is a fact Biden repeatedly rejects and ignores. It’s just as wrong when a black man goes on a killing spree and targets white people as it is when a white man goes and targets black people. However, this is something Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Democrats, and their accomplices in the media rarely, if ever, acknowledge. And, quite frankly, their silence is despicable.

“Even as we continue searching for answers, we must say clearly and forcefully that white supremacy has no place in America,” Biden said. “We must refuse to live in a country where black families going to the store or black students going to school live in fear of being gunned down because of the color of their skin. Hate must have no safe harbor. Silence is complicity, and we must not remain silent.”

Biden is absolutely correct. Hate must have no safe harbor, and silence is complicity. But wouldn’t that mean Biden is complicit in the hate crime committed by the black man in Oklahoma? Or any of the other numbers of homicidal hate crimes each year against white people that go ignored by politicians and the media?

After the horrific and tragic shooting in Jacksonville on Saturday, Biden quickly pounced on the incident to warn of hate crimes and “domestic violent extremism.” But just a few months ago, when the victims of a hate crime were white, and the killer was black, Biden’s empathy was nowhere to be found.

President Joe Biden is a fearmongering alarmist who exploits racial tragedies for political gain. He did this when he was a senator, did it as vice president, and is doing it again as president. Biden has never met a tragedy against black people that he did not want to take advantage of to help his political career.

Everyone should denounce hate crimes and work to eradicate them from society. No one deserves to be targeted for any crime simply because of their skin color. Such acts of violence have no place in human civilization. But that holds for people of all races and ethnicities.

Just because a victim is white and the killer is black doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be acknowledged. The murder victims in Oklahoma deserve a statement from Biden condemning anti-white violence just as much as the victims in Jacksonville do. Let’s work to eliminate hate crimes against all people, not just the ones Biden and Democrats can exploit for political purposes.


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