California continues its transgender war on parents


California Housing
California Attorney General Rob Bonta, left, speaks during a news conference in Sacramento, Calif., on Monday, May 1, 2023. (AP Photo/Adam Beam)

California continues its transgender war on parents

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California is pushing forward with its sinister view that parents should be cut out of their children’s mental health troubles and be kept in the dark in favor of school bureaucrats.

California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced that the state is suing Chino Valley Unified School District for requiring schools to notify parents when their own children adopt alternate “transgender” identities at school. Bonta said that the policy “wrongfully endangers the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of non-conforming students who lack an accepting environment in the classroom and at home.”


In Bonta’s view, children are not put in danger by adopting a transgender identity if everyone at their school knows about it, but they are put in danger if their own parents are informed about it. Bonta thinks that parents put their own children in danger and that only teachers and school administrators can protect them.

This is morally depraved. This isn’t just Bonta saying that administrators care for the hundreds of children at their schools better than parents or that he alone knows what is better for millions of California children than their own parents. This is Bonta outright stating that parents are a threat to their own children, so much so that children’s mental health problems can be known by their teachers but not by the parents who have raised them since birth.


And all of this is done in service of the insanity of transgender activists, who assert that children of any age can begin the process of permanently disfiguring themselves through hormone replacements, puberty blockers, and surgeries. Bonta’s rankings of who knows what is best for any given child puts school administrators and transgender activists at the top and the parents of that child at the very bottom.

The obsessive demands of Democrats that children be forced into irreversible transgenderism if they so much as break one gender stereotype and that parents be forcibly exiled from any discussion if they do not tow the transgender line are the most demented political fights being picked right now. Bonta and California’s hatred for parents is being put on full display, and they will continue to push to separate parents from their children (quite literally) if that is what transgender activists continue to demand them to do.

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