Most Republicans are worried about George Soros’s influence on electing left-wing prosecutors


012518 Correll Soros pic
George Soros, billionaire and Democratic backer, spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland on Thursday. (Jason Alden/Bloomberg) Jason Alden

Most Republicans are worried about George Soros’s influence on electing left-wing prosecutors

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Radical left-wing district attorneys have mainly been responsible for the violent crime wave plaguing many of the nation’s largest cities.

Under the guise of equality, equity, and whatever other social justice-inspired names the Left made up, radical prosecutors implemented disastrous criminal justice reform policies that prioritized the safety of criminals over the safety of innocent people that criminals like to hurt.


George Soros funded many of the district attorneys who administered these reforms. But Republican voters are tired of the needless, excess crime. They are tired of innocent people dying due to sociological experiments conducted by Soros-funded prosecutors in the nation’s criminal justice system. It’s a valid concern that most Republican voters have expressed in a recent poll.

A recent Rasmussen poll revealed that 81% of voters believed it was likely that “progressive criminal justice policies led to an increase in crime.” The poll included 66% who felt it was “very likely.” Additionally, other responses focused on a survey that highlighted the Republican resentment toward Soros-funded prosecutors. According to the poll, 74% of voters are “concerned that George Soros has been involved in getting liberal prosecutors elected in the United States.” Included in this total were 63% of voters who said they were very concerned.

It’s indicative of the ire regarding the influence of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations on the nation’s criminal justice system. The Soros group claimed it was trying to make things better, but instead, it made them drastically worse. And, as the poll’s results showed, GOP voters want these disastrous policies to stop so that people can feel safe again.

“Republican voters are clearly concerned by big liberal donor George Soros’ project to buy prosecutors all over the country,” Eric Branstad of Enforce the Law PAC said of the poll’s results which revealed the concerns of Republican voters.


“To date, organizations funded by the massive progressive donor have successfully elected prosecutors in several of America’s biggest cities. This has caught the attention of Republican voters,” Branstad said.

“Recently, they have seen crime rapidly rise in America’s largest cities like New York and Los Angeles as Soros-supported prosecutors have refused to enforce the law and have enacted liberal policies like early release and ‘no bail.’ Simultaneously they have aggressively pursued and prosecuted conservative Americans.”

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