The American Academy of Pediatrics is broken


Transgender Rally
Protesters hold signs at a rally in support of transgender youth, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2017, at the Stonewall National Monument in New York. They were demonstrating against President Donald Trump’s decision to roll back a federal rule saying public schools had to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of their chosen gender identity. The rule had already been blocked from enforcement, but transgender advocates view the Trump administration action as a step back for transgender rights. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) Kathy Willens/AP

The American Academy of Pediatrics is broken

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The transgender craze and the irreversible damage being done to children as a result have one grim silver lining: They expose the people and institutions that destroyed their credibility and must not be allowed to influence society anymore. That list starts with the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Fresh off of its failures during the pandemic to advocate children properly in the face of anti-science restrictions, the AAP has thrown its lot in with transgender activists. The organization is fully in favor of permanent sex changes for children, who cannot reasonably consent to such a life-changing decision that is brought on by gender confusion or mental anguish and will have debilitating effects on those children for the rest of their lives.


Earlier this week, the AAP’s blog published a piece by two people who push children through permanent sex changes. The piece argued that the “watch and wait” approach, in which pediatricians wait and see whether a child’s gender dysphoria will continue as they age, is “outdated and harmful.” The two argue you must immediately begin pushing a gender-confused child into his or her permanent sex change, with no questions asked and no consequences considered.

The AAP blog noted that the article does “not necessarily” represent the organization’s views. So what exactly does the AAP think about this topic?

Earlier this month, the AAP “reaffirmed” its October 2018 position on sex changes for children, which is that they must be provided to children in a “developmentally appropriate” manner. In the real world, where we recognize that children can’t consent to these procedures and that children, especially those going through puberty, naturally question or feel insecure about their bodies, the “developmentally appropriate” time for sex changes would be never.


For the AAP, that means “reversible” puberty blockers before a child hits puberty. You may be thinking that you cannot simply block a child from going through puberty (while putting them on cross-sex hormones) and simply reverse it with no consequences later on. You would be correct. And the AAP also supports permanent surgeries that it admits are irreversible for children on a “case-by-case basis.”

The AAP has been so thoroughly broken by transgender activists that it expects you to believe that permanently disfiguring children and leaving them with unanswered mental health problems and new physical health problems is good for them. No organization deserves more to be cast into the ash heap of history over this matter than the AAP.

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