When will Democrats apply the same standards to Biden that they did for Trump?


Donald Trump
President Donald Trump listens during a coronavirus task force briefing at the White House, Sunday, April 5, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Patrick Semansky/AP

When will Democrats apply the same standards to Biden that they did for Trump?

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Democrats, who for years accused Trump of corruption and of breaking the law, have turned a blind eye to the dishonesty of President Joe Biden, his administration, and his family.

For years, politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, congressional Democrats, and left-wing political pundits all touted, in a cultish, well-rehearsed, creepy sort of unison, that no one was above the law, “not even a president.” But something is rotten in the state of Biden.


Yet, as time has passed, that affirmation has been anything but true. In fact, the only time Democrats seem to care about upholding the law is when the person involved has the last name, Trump. When it’s come to Biden and his family, there have been a completely different set of standards held compared to former President Donald Trump. Everything surrounding the investigation of Hunter Biden has been suspect since the beginning.

Say what you want about Trump’s legal issues and multiple indictments. There is a miscarriage of justice here that reeks of corruption. Democrats are not applying the same standards to Biden that they did for Trump. When Trump was in office, Democrats were determined to investigate and hold anyone accountable for their illegal acts and corruption. Since Biden has been in office, Democrats’ efforts at accountability have been much less vigorous. It’s almost as if they created two separate realms of justice.

Look no further than last Friday’s appointment by the Department of Justice of a “special counsel” to investigate Hunter Biden. The person assigned to “investigate” Hunter Biden, David Weiss, is the same person who negotiated the president’s son’s plea deal earlier this year. This would signify a massive conflict of interest for any regular, objective, fair, and non-corrupt person. Yet, this was the duplicitous act du jour by Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Biden administration. It’s a sentiment that even Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Trump’s political rival for the 2024 Republican nomination for president, expressed.

“Appointing David as the special counsel is like keeping the concept of the DOJ protecting Democrats while hunting Republicans,” Scott said on Saturday. “I can’t think of a more forceful sign that nothing has changed, and that’s bad for America. It’s bad for justice, and frankly, it’s bad for everyday Americans who ask the question, ‘Can I trust the DOJ?’ The answer is emphatically no.”

If the situation were reversed and Trump was in office and did something like this, Democrats would demand it not stand. And, given their history, they would probably file articles of impeachment, launch a criminal investigation, and bring an indictment. They would never allow the application of their standards to Trump. It’s indicative as to why for all of their ballyhooing and theatrical outrage, their supposed disdain for criminal behavior, they are the living embodiment of elitist malfeasance.


Simply put, this is why much of the country claims Trump’s indictments, no matter the legal basis for any of them, are nothing more than political persecution. The Biden administration and Democrats have demonstrated they cannot be trusted when it comes to matters of justice. If Trump broke the law, then hold him accountable. If not, leave him alone. But there shouldn’t be one set of rules for people named Trump and another set entirely for those named Biden. And, based on all available evidence, that’s exactly how it seems to any objective person paying attention.

Democrats pretended to be the protectors of democracy and defenders against corruption so they could deceive the public, amass power, and implement their agenda-driven, weaponized form of justice. It’s a left-wing ploy taken almost entirely from the pages of George Orwell’s seminal classic, Animal Farm. They are the very corrupt beings they claim to loathe.

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