Rand Paul requests perjury probe into Dr. Fauci’s COVID comments


Rand Paul
In this July 17, 2018, photo, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., speaks during a television interview as he defends President Donald Trump and his Helsinki news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Capitol Hill in Washington. Paul certainly has his differences with Trump. They were once Republican rivals for the White House. But on a cornerstone issue, a resistance to U.S. intervention abroad, they’ve found common ground.(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) J. Scott Applewhite/AP

Rand Paul requests perjury probe into Dr. Fauci’s COVID comments

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Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has repeatedly announced he is determined to get to the bottom of the origins of the COVID-19 virus. And, if anyone was unsure of his dedication, last week’s actions show that the Republican senator from Kentucky continues to be a man of his word.

Last week, Paul sent a letter to D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves requesting an investigation into whether Dr. Anthony Fauci committed perjury. The inquiry stemmed from Fauci’s claims about COVID not coming from a Chinese lab during a congressional hearing in 2021, the Daily Mail reported.


“Dr. Fauci testified that the ‘NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.’ In a subsequent hearing, I warned Dr. Fauci of the criminal implications of lying to Congress and offered him an opportunity to recant his previous statements,” Paul wrote in a letter published by the British newspaper.

“Before Congress, Dr. Fauci denied funding gain-of-function research. To the press, he claims to have a dispassionate view on the lab leak hypothesis, and in private, he acknowledges gain-of-function research at WIV to his colleagues. His own colleagues have acknowledged Dr. Fauci’s inconsistency,” Paul said in the letter. “A congressional hearing, however, is not the place for a public servant to play political games – especially when the health and well-being of American citizens is on the line.”

Additionally, Paul added that Fauci claimed he “never lied before Congress” and did not ever “retract that statement.” He also reportedly stated that the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases provided testimony “inconsistent with facts that have since come to light.”

Paul’s letter to Graves came after he officially filed a criminal referral to the Department of Justice. However, the request apparently went unanswered. The Daily Mail confirmed that an aide to Sen. Rand Paul stated that the DOJ never responded to Paul’s criminal referral.

But Paul’s concerns do not deserve to be so easily dismissed. The COVID pandemic resulted in a tremendous loss of life in the country. It was a time of stark political division in the country — a lot of which was fueled by Fauci’s “science,” supposed health recommendations, and (perceived) sanctimony and arrogance. Who could forget his “I represent science” comment?


Paul is correct in demanding accountability. These questions deserve to be answered. And, perhaps most importantly, if the perjury was true, there should be an investigation into Fauci as to why he did not tell the truth. Was he compromised? Did he want to hide the truth for some reason? If so, why? If not, was his incompetence indicative of our country’s bureaucratic nonsense that does nothing to help effectively govern the country?

If it is revealed that Fauci purposely perjured himself, then he should be held accountable. And it is something the American people deserve to know.

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