Tom Cotton shows Republicans the way on woke corporations


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Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., questions Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson during her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 22, 2022. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) Alex Brandon/AP

Tom Cotton shows Republicans the way on woke corporations

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Woke corporations have taken up Democratic talking points on culture war issues, but they still expect Republicans to protect them from Democrats seeking to regulate them. Republicans should follow the lead of Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR).

With Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen facing questions from senators over the company’s merger with Albertsons, Cotton took the opportunity to grill him over the company’s woke turn. That includes Kroger firing two employees who refused to wear an apron to support the gay and transgender community, as well as the company issuing a guide to employees instructing them not to use the terms “sir” or “ma’am.” Kroger is also among the companies offering to pay for out-of-state abortions for employees in Republican-run states.


With Kroger facing heat over its merger with Albertsons, McMullen ended up in front of the Senate’s antitrust subcommittee. Normally, corporations like Kroger could rely on Republicans to oppose the Democratic Party’s attempts to interfere in the marke. But with Kroger putting itself on the Democratic Party’s team, Cotton took a different tact.

Cotton said that he has cautioned Big Tech companies and other corporations for years “that if they silence conservatives and center-right voters across the country, if they discriminate against them in their company, they probably shouldn’t come and ask Republican senators to carry the water for them whenever our Democratic friends want to regulate them or block their mergers.”

His final message to McMullen: “I’m sorry that’s happening to you. Best of luck.”

Corporations like Kroger have decided to become cultural enforcers for the Democratic Party, despite the fact that Democrats want to “break them up.” That includes Disney, who went to war with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on behalf of the Democratic Party, despite the fact that Democrats, including Sen. Bernie Sanders (VT) want to review the company’s merger with 21st Century Fox. It includes Amazon, with whom Democrats are picking fights over unionization. It also includes Facebook, Google, Apple, and other Big Tech companies.


These companies have decided to express open disdain for conservatives and anyone who does not fall in line with left-wing Democratic orthodoxy. They have decided to pick a team, and they chose the team that wants to break up their mergers and hit them with regulations they oppsoe. They shouldn’t be able to turn around and ask for the help of Republicans whom they hate, and Republicans should have enough dignity to recognize that.

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