Air horns aren’t going to protect Oakland from pro-criminal policies


Two police officers behind crime scene tape
Two multi-ethnic police officers standing in front of patrol cars, behind police tape, wearing bulletproof vests and duty belts. The policewoman is a mature African-American woman in her 40s. Her partner is a mid adult man in his 30s. It is nighttime and the emergency lights on top of the vehicles are flashing. The focus is on the cordon tape in the foreground. kali9/Getty Images

Air horns aren’t going to protect Oakland from pro-criminal policies

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Crime in Oakland, California, has become so bad that police are telling people to carry air horns with them so they can alert their neighbors when they are being attacked by the criminals the city refuses to jail.

Police have told residents to carry air horns with them and to add security bars to the doors and windows of their homes to deter criminals. Burglaries are up 41% in Oakland compared to last year, and robberies are up 20%. Compared to 2019, thefts and assaults have doubled, and carjackings have tripled.


Women are being targeted by repeat criminals, and the Oakland Police Department is estimated to be some 500 members understaffed based on the city’s population and how many emergency calls are being made. Crime has grown so disastrous that the local and state chapters of the NAACP have called for a state of emergency, with the Oakland chapter publicly calling out “our district attorney’s unwillingness to charge and prosecute people who murder and commit life-threatening serious crimes.”

That district attorney is Alameda County’s Pamela Price, whose campaign was funded by leftist megadonor and advocate of pro-criminal policies George Soros. Price has amassed a terrible track record in her short time on the job of seeking to get violent criminals off with no jail time, even if they are gang members who killed a toddler in a shootout.


Case in point: Just this week, Price reduced the charges against two men who robbed and killed a 75-year-old man in 2021 while he was out for his morning walk. The crime was caught on surveillance, and one of the suspects was placed at the scene by the GPS on his ankle monitor. Yes, of course, both men have long rap sheets, but Price’s focus was making sure that they have the possibility of parole so they can get back out on the street in the future, when they will presumably rob and kill someone else.

Price is not a prosecutor. She is a pro-criminal, anti-“mass incarceration” activist who views her job as keeping career criminals out of jail, not keeping residents safe. Oakland residents are paying the price for that, and that price ranges from feeling safe in their own neighborhoods to, in some cases, their lives. So long as Price is in charge of the city’s criminal justice system, things will only get worse for everyone except the air horn companies.

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