Meet Michael Hoover, a Republican candidate from Michigan for US Senate


Michael Hoover
Michael Hoover pictured shared with me by Michael Hoover campaign with permission to use for this article

Meet Michael Hoover, a Republican candidate from Michigan for US Senate

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Michael Hoover is running for Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) seat in 2024.

A “dedicated and passionate Michigander” (as described on his website), Hoover has a long history of serving others. His commitment to giving back inspired him to run for office. He believes Michigan and the country deserve better than what Democrats have delivered. He’s witnessed the cultural and economic decline of the country, and he thinks he can bring positive and meaningful change.


“Our nation has fallen from its position as the unequivocal global leader it once was. As Michigan’s next U.S. senator, I’ll work tirelessly to get America back on track toward the kind of excellence we achieved in my youth, when the U.S. led in every conceivable metric: education, health, economic strength, manufacturing, art and culture, innovation, and military might,” Hoover told the Washington Examiner.

“With the right leadership and policies, we can reclaim American exceptionalism. This is why I’m running for Senate: to set a higher vision of what our nation can be and to deliver real, practical, and lasting solutions to make that dream a reality for everyone that calls Michigan home. I’ve experienced firsthand the boundless opportunities this country provides, and I want to ensure our children inherit that same brighter future as citizens of the greatest nation on earth,” Hoover said.

Hoover expressed empathy for many challenges facing Michiganders and others nationwide. He stressed the importance of family values and patriotism for the country. “As goes the family, so goes our state and our nation,” Hoover explained. It’s a good sentiment and vision that would be a welcomed change in the Capitol.

“The biggest challenge is the attack on America and our families,” Hoover said. “Our American values, government takeover of industry, inflation, crime, our health, open borders, and the threat of China top the list of issues.”

He listed some of the harrowing realizations that negatively affect the country, most notably the erosion of the American family, including the importance of fatherhood and families staying together — principles that once were commonplace but have long since been overlooked. He also mentioned several quality-of-life issues and how the Biden economy was crippling families.

“Only 26% of 18–34-year-olds are married, yet 47% have children. Only 20% of low-income families are married. Fatherhood has been forgotten,” Hoover said. “The cost of living is up 42% in the last three years, while salaries are stagnant. Deaths of despair are at an all-time high.”

Education was also crucial to Hoover. His concerns are clearly valid, given the recent reports of students graduating with 1.0-grade point averages or unable to pass standardized tests in math or reading. It’s a problem that’s also plagued schools in Michigan. He also mentioned the federal government’s reckless spending, including the billions of dollars in aid sent to Ukraine, all while Americans suffer.

“Our educational system is in shambles. Detroit has the lowest test scores of every major metropolitan city in the nation. Michigan has dropped to 38th in the nation,” Hoover said. “We’re funding an endless war in Ukraine while our border remains open, our cities crumble, and our families suffer.”

But Hoover is a man of solutions. He sees problems and tries to find ways to solve them. It’s been the basis for his accomplishments in his professional career while working for Dow Chemical Company, in small businesses, and in his charitable work supporting “local, national, and global” non-profits. He described what he would do on his first day in office.

“Talk is cheap. Legislation lasts. On my first day in office, I will introduce the ‘Protecting the Family Bill,’ which provides a financial incentive for couples to get and stay married, protects families and children from government intrusion and overreach, and supports and promotes our public safety workers,” he said.

He would also introduce the “By America, For America Plan.” This plan would provide “a tax credit for manufacturing and selling American-made products,” eliminate “China’s ability to acquire American land, buy U.S. businesses, or control America’s food production,” and would incentivize “entrepreneurial investment away from CCP-related businesses.”

“The last thing our nation needs is another elected talking-head, towing the party line, wasting people’s time and money,” Hoover said. “My goal for all 2,190 days of my term will be to solve problems by creating real and lasting solutions.”

Hoover also explained how he would represent conservative Republican values during his term if elected.

“The radical Leftist agenda, which thrives on creating new villains and victims, is dividing America in ways unknown to previous generations. The hypocrisy is astounding. Those who want to dictate to others how they should live accuse their opponents of being supremacists. Leaders who’ve created social dependency by implementing policies that remove fathers from homes then blame historical racism for current inequities. The purveyors of the most toxic anti-male rhetoric paint others as sexists,” Hoover said.

He listed numerous other scenarios where the Left has infiltrated and affected the country. From racial issues, COVID, climate change, and others, Hoover reinforced the negative consequences of the Left’s imprint on society.

“It’s the same tired playbook: create a crisis, then grab more power over people’s lives,” Hoover said.

Ultimately, Hoover illustrated how he differs from other candidates running for the same office.

“Since launching my campaign, I’ve proposed real, legislative solutions to the biggest issues facing our state and country,” Hoover said. “I’m also the only Republican candidate to have been invited to events hosted by the most important conservative movements in the country, including: Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, Council for National Policy, SoConCon (Social Conservative Conference), Club for Growth, and Becket Law.”


“Michigan deserves a better future,” Hoover states on his website. “Let’s build it together.”

The Republican primary for Michigan is still months away. However, Michael Hoover is ready to show that he is precisely what Michigan and the country need.

© 2023 Washington Examiner

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