You can blame Democrats for politicizing ‘the science’


Joe Biden
President Joe Biden speaks during a visit to the Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory at the National Institutes of Health, Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021, in Bethesda, Md. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, listens at right. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Evan Vucci/AP

You can blame Democrats for politicizing ‘the science’

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If you don’t like the politicization of “science,” you can blame the Democratic Party’s co-opting of the word in order to peddle its agenda in every area of people’s lives.

John Burn-Murdoch of the Financial Times shared a chart showing that Republican trust “in the scientific community” has dropped over the last several decades and has dropped precipitously in the past 20 years. Democratic trust in the scientific community has risen dramatically since about 2010. He used this to conclude that “Republicans are now essentially the anti-science party” and Democrats are now “stridently” pro-science.


Burn-Murdoch made this argument with respect to COVID-19 and vaccinations, highlighting the partisan gap in vaccinations and COVID deaths after vaccines became widely available. He concluded that “it’s tragic that anti-science views have become so deeply embedded in the US political divide.”

Yes, it is tragic that Democrats politicized science and that media figures such as Burn-Murdoch now reinforce that politicization by painting one party as “pro-science” and the other as “anti-science.”

This is what happened during the pandemic, when Democrats cited “the science” for the unscientific decisions regarding mask mandates, school closures, and vaccine mandates (as opposed to just vaccines). We were told we must trust career bureaucrats because they were “the science,” even when those bureaucrats were regularly, destructively wrong.

Then many scientists came out after the damage done by school closures and business closures to say that Black Lives Matter protests were actually OK because, after all, “the science” said racism was a bigger threat to public health than the pandemic. People had to sacrifice their livelihoods to “stop the spread,” but left-wing protests were allowed and encouraged by the “scientific community.”

COVID is not the only issue here, either. Democrats have repeatedly cited climate “experts” and their terrible climate predictions for decades. People who dispute those predictions and oppose the policies that will supposedly save us all (and all seem coincidentally to match up with the Democratic agenda) are termed “science deniers” or “climate deniers.” Then those predictions are wrong, and the experts simply move on to more outlandish predictions to replace them.

“Science” has also been co-opted by Democrats on abortion, in which they claim that human life is not actually human life in defiance of basic biology. So, too, have gender activists taken it over, claiming that men and women are interchangeable and that permanently disfiguring children with gender transition procedures is the only way to protect them and “affirm” their gender. This completely contradicts the sciences of anatomy and biology, as is readily apparent from the existence of Y chromosomes.


Yes, many Republicans were mostly wrong about vaccines. They were also rightly suspicious of a scientific establishment that does Democrats’ bidding on a range of issues and was regularly wrong during the pandemic. Between COVID, abortion, climate, and basic human biology, Republicans have been, on net, more “pro-science” than Democrats.

Democrats, as a whole, are not “pro-science.” They love “the Science,” the concept that their entire worldview must be objectively correct because some people with advanced degrees said so. If you want to bemoan the politicization of science, you can start with Democrats turning it into just another partisan buzzword.

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