Larry Elder delivers an important message that America needs to hear


California Governor Elder
FILE – Republican conservative radio show host Larry Elder speaks to supporters after losing the California gubernatorial recall election on Sept. 14, 2021, in Costa Mesa, Calif. Elder, the top-finishing Republican in the 2020 California recall election that sought to remove Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom from office, announced he’s establishing a PAC to raise funds for House and Senate candidates and will not attempt a rematch with Newsom this year. (AP Photo/Ashley Landis, File) Ashley Landis/AP

Larry Elder delivers an important message that America needs to hear

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A lawyer, radio host, and author is vying to rescue the country. Former gubernatorial candidate and longtime political pundit, Larry Elder, is running for the Republican nomination for president of the United States. His longtime mantra has been “We’ve got a country to save,” and he told everyone exactly why at the 2023 Lincoln Dinner in Iowa. It’s a message that the country deserves to hear — especially at the first Republican presidential debate in August at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. To be on the debate stage, candidates must meet several requirements established by the Republican National Committee.

Larry Elder is speaking, and America needs to hear it.


First, Elder talked about his background. The Elders have a long history of military service. His father and brothers served; his mother was a clerk typist for the War Department in Washington, D.C. He chronicled his upbringing, family, and the discrimination they endured and overcame to succeed. Elder’s family story is the American dream, and it’s evident that every one of them bleeds red, white, and blue.

But Elder also explained how today’s Democrats threaten the existence of that very dream.

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“My dad said this about Democrats,” Elder said. “Democrats want to give you something for nothing. When you try and get something for nothing, you almost always end up getting something for nothing.”

An old saying advises, “Father knows best,” and the Elder’s father was no exception. It’s advice that has guided him through his life and is something that the nation needs to hear today. It’s indicative of the importance of fathers in children’s lives, which, incidentally, was one of the main issues discussed in Elder’s speech.

“Why, then, am I running?” Elder asked rhetorically. “Because there are several issues that our side is not talking about, if at all. Number one, the most important domestic problem we have in America, far and away, nothing else is even close, the epidemic of fatherlessness.”

“Forty percent of American kids enter the world today without a father in the home married to the mother, almost threefold since 1965. Seventy percent of black kids enter the world without a father in the home, married to the mother, up from 25 percent back in 1965,” Elder said. Now twenty-five percent of white kids enter the world without a father in the home married to the mother.”

They are statistics that people in the country must know and acknowledge. It is one of the main reasons Elder wants to make sure he is at the first presidential debate.

“The stats are clear; even Barack Obama once quoted them,” Elder added. “A kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime. Nine times more likely to drop out of school and twenty times more likely to end up in jail.”

He elaborated on the reason for this horrific trend and stated that Republicans have been too timid to mention these issues. But Elder isn’t like many of the Republican candidates for office. He has the courage and guts to address many social problems other Republicans sprint away from. Nevertheless, it’s precisely what the country needs to hear.

“What’s happened? A Democrat named Lyndon Johnson launched what he called the war on poverty. And since then, we have incentivized women to marry the government and incentivized men to abandon their financial and moral responsibility,” Elder said. The other side does not talk about it because they caused it, and our side does not talk about it for fear of being called systemically racist if you’re white or being called the black face of white supremacy, as the LA Times called me, if you’re black.”

Elder also conveyed that our country’s public education system is a disaster and leaves many children unprepared to succeed in the real world. He chronicled the stories of the numerous schools in Baltimore and Chicago that had students “where zero percent of the kids can do math at grade level,” and many struggle to read at basic levels. It’s a tragedy caused by Democrats’ constant opposition to school choice.

“It is an outrage,” Elder declared.

What Elder said next might very well be the most crucial thing any Republican politician has said in the last 30 years. He denounced the notion that the country “remains systematically racist.” He explained how it’s a lie used by Democrats to indoctrinate the masses to get approval for their radical sociocultural issues. He also stated how it’s a lie “that’s getting people killed.”

“And then there is the lie that America remains systematically racist. It’s not just a lie that’s driving things like reparations, which is the extraction of money from people who were never slave owners to be given to people who were slaves,” Elder said. “It’s also driving things like race-based preferences, diversity, equity, and inclusion, which is the very opposite of what MLK wanted. He wanted a colorblind society, not a color-coordinated one.”

“It’s also a lie that’s getting people killed,” Elder added. “How so? It’s called the ‘George Floyd effect’ or the ‘Ferguson effect.’ That’s the phenomenon of cops pulling back from doing their normal proactive policing for fear they’re going to be called systemically racist.”

“As a result, there are thousands of what one data scientist at Reuters called ‘excess deaths’ that have taken place in the last several years — people who would otherwise be alive if the police were doing their normal proactive policing. The majority of these so-called excess deaths are the very black and brown people that the people on the Left purport to care about,” Elder said.

It was one of the most important things about the country Americans need to hear.


“When I get up there on that debate stage, and I can put these issues that I mentioned front and center — epidemic of fatherlessness, the need for school choice, the lie that America is systemically racist — if I can put these issues front and center, then I will feel I’ve given back to my country,” Elder said.

“This is my opportunity to give back to a country that’s been so good to me, to my family, and, in my opinion, to the world,” Elder concluded.

And, if Republican voters genuinely want to help bring meaningful change to the country, they should give Elder the public forum in front of the entire country to spread this message. The country deserves to hear him.

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