From Snow White to Snow Woke


Snow White Billboard Auction
A detailed view of the 20-foot wide by 9-feet high large colorful billboard of the 1937 release of the animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Monday, July 14, 2014, in Dallas, Texas. The billboard features three scenes, with the main one showing a rosy-cheeked Snow White in front of a castle in her classic outfit with a bright yellow skirt, surrounded by the dwarfs and other characters from the film. Heritage Auctions said the rare billboard is expected to sell for at least $10,000 on Saturday, July 20, 2014, in Dallas. (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez) Tony Gutierrez/AP

From Snow White to Snow Woke

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Recently, a video of Rachel Zegler, the actress portraying Snow White in the live-action remake of the movie, caused quite an uproar after comments she made about the new version of the film. During an interview, Zegler responded to a question about how her version would have a “modern edge” to the beloved character. She condescendingly replied, “I just mean that it’s no longer 1937.”

“She’s not going to be saved by the prince, and she’s not going to be dreaming about true love. She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be and the leader that her late father told her that she could be if she was fearless, fair, brave, and true,” Zegler said. “It’s just a really incredible story for young people everywhere to see themselves in.”


In other words, it’s not the story of Snow White.

This has nothing to do with it being 2023 instead of 1937. And whether it’s an incredible story, as Zegler stated, or not, changing the movie’s story to fit a warped fourth-wave feminist interpretation of Snow White is not actually Snow White. It’s a cash grab by a radical, agenda-driven movie production company that wants to use the character familiarity of Snow White to rake in profits while simultaneously brainwashing children who watch the movie with left-wing sociocultural propaganda.

However, since Snow White is being turned into a left-wing propaganda film, they might as well change the titular character’s story to align with everything the Left supports today. Instead of the timeless story that generations have grown to love, have Snow Woke be a DACA recipient with uncertain immigration status whose mother was killed by the police. She grows up working menial jobs in the patriarchy and survives on a pittance of a salary that is 77% of what men get paid.

Then, while on the way to her Young Communist League meeting with seven other people, she is threatened by her evil stepmother, a chapter chairwoman with Moms for Liberty. One day, while the stepmother is dressed in disguise as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), she gives Snow Woke a book, Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed.


Suddenly, Snow Woke faints and falls into a coma. When all seems lost, she’s inspired by the words of her late father, “trans rights are human rights.” She is then “awoken,” gets a job with the ACLU, cuts her hair short, dyes it purple, and lives happily ever after with her new love, the transgender swimmer from the castle across the river.

Sadly, Zegler is a victim of brainwashing by left-wing attacks on our culture. The Left is so threatened by the ideas of chivalry, true love, masculinity, and normal heterosexual relationships that they have weaponized a classic children’s story to indoctrinate audiences to believe their convoluted, toxic sense of reality. If Zegler and company want to make a movie with the plot she described, go for it. Just have enough courage and conviction to make it an original story — instead of using the familiarity of existing literature so they can have an audience for their agenda-driven propaganda.

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