What, is Hunter Biden’s legal team high or something?


Hunter Biden
President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden leaves after a court appearance, Wednesday, July 26, 2023, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez) Julio Cortez/AP

What, is Hunter Biden’s legal team high or something?

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After scoring the sweetheart plea deal of the century, Hunter Biden‘s legal team ended a brutal day in court with no legal immunity, the old and renegotiated deals now dead, and a stark warning that the president’s son is indeed under investigation for his failure to register as a foreign agent.

Between today’s disaster in court and revelations that Hunter Biden knew his attorney, millionaire Kevin Morris, was secretly purchasing his “artwork,” I couldn’t help but wonder: Is the first son’s legal team high or something?


Let us focus for a moment on Wednesday’s legal proceedings. The original plea deal brokered by Biden’s team would have Hunter skirt jail time by pleading guilty to tax fraud and completing a diversionary program to erase a gun charge. While Hunter’s defenders claimed that most civilians would never actually be charged for these crimes, Hunter took the unusual step of bragging about these crimes (and others, if you include his serial drug and alcohol abuse and solicitation of prostitutes in potential violation of international human trafficking law) in his memoir.

But like Icarus flying too close to the sun, the hubris of the Biden bunch ultimately got the best of Hunter. After discovering that the plea deal would not protect Biden from further prosecution for acting as a foreign agent, Biden’s attorney blew up the deal, telling the prosecutor to “just rip it up.” In the end, the prosecutors did, after one failed attempt to craft a replacement deal. The judge worried that the gun diversion program, which was offered in lieu of jail time in the original deal, was not even constitutional. When prosecutor Leo Wise was asked whether there was any precedent for the diversion program workaround, Wise said there was not.

Hunter, who evidently did not understand the details of his own plea deal, ended the day reversing course and pleading not guilty.

One would never expect Hunter Biden, the most flagrant failson of a dynasty of dilettante drunks, to prove himself a worthy or competent defendant. But Biden’s legal team somehow blew a 3-1 lead. Perhaps the affair of the paintings may provide an explanation as to why.

Remember at the start of his father’s presidency, Hunter launched his third act (as well as this third wife) as a professional artist. Despite zero previous experience in the craft, Biden scored a debut opening at the prestigious Georges Berges Gallery in SoHo.

At the time, the White House promised that neither Joe nor Hunter would be learning who exactly would purchase the latter’s paintings. Although Berges selling Hunter’s work said he would be expected to attend his own opening, the White House asserted that “the president has established the highest ethical standards of any administration in American history.”

Alas, no.

On Monday, Business Insider revealed that Hunter Biden knew that patrons of his newfound painting hobby included Democratic donors Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali and … Morris. You know, the same Morris who saw Biden’s plea deal fall apart. The same Morris who loaned Biden his private jet so he could go to Arkansas to fight being forced to pay child support to his illegitimate daughter. The same Morris who footed the bill for the same overdue taxes that landed Hunter in hot water in the first place!

With lawyers like these, who needs enemies? If Hunter were Donald Trump Jr., there’s little doubt the media would be asking what kompromat Morris has on this troubled, middle-aged man.


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