Abbott has done more to secure border than Mayorkas


Greg Abbott
FILE – In this Feb. 5, 2019, file photo, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott gives his State of the State Address in the House Chamber in Austin, Texas. Two former members of the State Commission on Judicial Conduct said they believe Texas Gov. Greg Abbott removed them from the panel because he disagreed with them over a same-sex marriage case. (AP Photo/Eric Gay, File) Eric Gay/AP

Abbott has done more to secure border than Mayorkas

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While President Joe Biden’s Justice Department is suing Texas for refusing to remove floating marine barriers in the Rio Grande, people continue to ask how many more congressional hearings it will take until Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas finally acts on the authority and responsibilities delegated to him by the president. As of now, it seems that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) is more fit for the job of DHS secretary than Mayorkas, considering he has done much more to defend our southern border.

On Wednesday, House Democrats tossed softballs to Mayorkas at the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing. Ranking member Jerry Nadler (D-NY) asked Mayorkas nonsensical questions such as, “Is the border open, Mr. Secretary?” Nadler alleged an underpinning motive, claiming House Republicans will use the hearing to impeach Mayorkas “at the behest of the most extreme MAGA Republicans” and that the hearing was simply another “exercise in political theater for the right-wing outrage machine before the August break.”


If Nadler is unable to comprehend why Republicans continue to seek accountability from Mayorkas through multiple hearings, he must be made to look at the fact that Biden’s DHS has abandoned governors in our border states to do the federal government’s job while shifting the burden on them for having to deal with drug cartels, illegal immigration, human trafficking, and other terrorist-linked crimes. At the same time, they have made it impossible for states to do so efficiently, dragging them into legal battles over their actions.

But Abbott has been committed to tackling the problem head-on with numerous initiatives to defend our border.

Through Operation Lone Star, Abbott announced a comprehensive package of border security deterrence strategies, designated Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations through Executive Order GA-42, and deployed M-113 armored personnel and the Texas Tactical Border Force while working with like-minded governors to seek the deployment of National Guard troops. The Texas legislature has dedicated almost $2 billion to securing the safety of Texans and, in doing so, has safeguarded people all around the country from the dangerous consequences of a weak border.

Mayorkas, on the other hand, has continued to downplay the threats of illegal immigration at our southern border while allowing more people to enter illegally than in the 12 years of the Obama and Trump administrations combined. He has also released illegal immigrants through programs such as “Alternatives to Detention” and issued guidance that has made it more difficult for Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport illegal immigrants already in the U.S. Not only has this increased threats to our national security, but it also allowed the emergence of the Chinese-facilitated fentanyl crisis, with enough fentanyl entering the country to kill everyone.

The stark contrast between the actions of Abbott and Mayorkas tells the whole story, making it extremely reasonable to consider impeaching Mayorkas. If anything is apparent in this legal battle, it is that Abbott seems to be the DHS secretary America never had.


Max Mallhi is a summer 2023 Washington Examiner fellow.

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