Democrats are rallying around an unpopular 80-year-old Biden


President Joe Biden speaks while visiting a phone bank at International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 103, Friday, Dec. 2, 2022, in Boston. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky) Patrick Semansky/AP

Democrats are rallying around an unpopular 80-year-old Biden

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Democrats were inevitably going to take the wrong lesson from their overperformance in the midterm elections. Naturally, the Democratic Party is now rallying around the unpopular 80-year-old president for 2024.

Democrats are rearranging the 2024 primary calendar, jettisoning Iowa from its slot as the first state primary in the nation in favor of South Carolina, a plan that President Joe Biden supports. You may recall that Biden finished fourth in Iowa in 2020, while South Carolina handed him a definitive victory that allowed him to pull ahead of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and cruise to the nomination.


The cited reason for this change is “diversity” because it wouldn’t be the Democratic Party if it weren’t making decisions based solely on people’s skin color. But the calendar will also play out in Biden’s favor, as it diminishes the role of New Hampshire, which will share a primary date with Nevada, and erases Iowa from the early slate. Both states place emphasis on retail politics and, as we saw in 2020, Biden would rather campaign from his basement than step outside and bumble his way through interactions with voters.

David Axelrod, who was an adviser to former President Barack Obama, explained the message that the party is sending to presidential hopefuls. “I think the message here is if you’re an insurgent and thinking of challenging the president, forget about it because there’s not going to be an opportunity here to do that,” Axelrod said.

So the Democratic Party’s message to young challengers is not to dare try and primary the 80-year-old man who would be 82 at the start of the next campaign and 86 if he managed to finish a second presidential term. You know, the same 80-year-old man whose approval rating has been underwater since August 2021 and who currently sits at a 41% approval rating with 53% disapproving. Democrats during the midterm elections even kept Biden away from important swing states to avoid sinking their own campaigns.

That is who they are now rallying around for 2024.


Republicans blew a red wave in the midterm elections by embracing terrible candidates, so the Democratic Party has decided to tie itself to a terrible candidate in 2024. Biden is old, unpopular, and incoherent, and he has proven to be an incompetent president as well. Somehow, Democrats think he can lead them to victory in 2024.

Of course, if Republicans do nominate former President Donald Trump, they may end up being right after all.

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