Teaching biology could get you fired



Teaching biology could get you fired

To understand just how thoroughly gender ideology has warped the minds of its adherents, look to St. Philip’s College, a community college in San Antonio, Texas, that fired one of its biology professors for teaching … biology.

Johnson Varkey, who taught at the school for more than 20 years, said this month that he was fired after giving a lecture on the human reproductive system in November of last year. Varkey specializes in human anatomy and physiology and simply pointed out to his students that two chromosomes, X and Y, determine a human being’s sex. This is a simple fact that no one, not even those who have bought into the idea of “gender fluidity,” is debating or denying. Yet four students reportedly stormed out of Varkey’s lecture hall in response, taking their complaints to the college’s administration.


In January, Varkey received a notice from the school stating that it had “received numerous complaints’ about his ‘religious preaching, discriminatory comments about homosexuals and transgender individuals, anti-abortion rhetoric, and misogynistic banter,’” according to First Liberty Institute, which is representing Varkey in his lawsuit against the school.

The college’s letter also allegedly claimed that Varkey’s teaching on sex “pushed beyond the bounds of academic freedom with [his] personal opinions that were offensive to many individuals in the classroom.”

It is true that Varkey is religious and that he believes there are only two genders. In that, he’s joined by millions of people around the world and leading experts and institutions that believed the exact same thing up until two minutes ago.

But Varkey’s teaching on sex chromosomes was not a religious argument. Again, stating that men have X and Y chromosomes and that women have X and X chromosomes is just a scientific fact. To suggest that he should stop teaching as much to accommodate the ideological whims of young adults is absurd.

Varkey is suing St. Philips, accusing the school of illegally terminating him. Let’s hope for the sake of sanity and science that he prevails.


Kaylee McGhee White is the editor of Restoring America for the Washington Examiner and a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum.

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