Leftists in Congress trashed July 4th, but these immigrants celebrated it and became citizens


Naturalization Ceremony on Board Battleship NJ
Naturalization Ceremony on Board Battleship NJ<br/>

Leftists in Congress trashed July 4th, but these immigrants celebrated it and became citizens

Some Democrats have repeatedly demonstrated they hate the United States of America. Shamefully, this has never been more transparent than our nation’s 247th birthday when Congressional Democrats Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) denigrated the country’s birthday and history.

But while these elected officials were trashing the country on July 4th, 34 immigrants celebrated becoming its citizens at a special naturalization ceremony on the Battleship USS New Jersey in Camden, New Jersey, just a few miles from where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were adopted.


“The Declaration of Independence was written by enslavers and didn’t recognize Black people as human,” Bush tweeted. “Today is a great day to demand Reparations Now.”

“This July 4th, we must remember that we stand on stolen land toiled by enslaved Africans and recommit ourselves to the fight for freedom, equality, & justice so that these ideals are accessible to everyone, not just a privileged few,” Bowman said on Twitter. “We are not free until everyone is truly free.”

Our country’s newest citizens were a diverse group from 21 countries, including Afghanistan, Nigeria, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, and China, among others. They came here because of the opportunities available in this country, and they love the freedoms and ideals for which this country stands.

Three of the candidates were already serving in the U.S. military.

Their immigration raises the question, “If the United States is as bad as Bush and Bowman claim, supposedly hostile toward anyone who isn’t white, systemically racist, and embraces white supremacy, why did these ‘black and brown’ people decide to live here?”

Democrats such as Bush and Bowman routinely disparage the country as racist, discriminatory, oppressive, and unwelcoming to non-white people. They obsess over an institutional relic from over 150 years ago to hold inconsistent and unrealistic historical standards of morality predicated on the revisionist history of human civilization. They hate our nation’s past, present, and future, along with its ideals and values — an irrational rebuking that seems to reach its zenith every Independence Day.

However, as the diverse group of people who became legal citizens just showed, the views of Bush and Bowman are little more than radical, inflammatory rhetoric and not grounded in reality. Consider the sentiments of one of those who became citizens on July 4th.

“I came here for a job and fell in love with this country and never wanted to go back,” said Akhil Verma, originally from India. “Freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, being able to do anything that I want to pursue in my life, that’s what America is all about.”


The country’s newest citizens are the antithesis of the Cori Bushes and Jamaal Bowmans. During the naturalization ceremony, they stood tall, took the Oath of Allegiance, were given a certificate and a miniature U.S. flag, and were excited to begin their new lives as official citizens of the country.

They immigrated legally, at a time when it was easier to take shortcuts. Each endured a long journey that each felt was necessary and worthwhile. And while technically only citizens for a few seconds, they were already more thankful for the country than some of its elected officials. Unlike Bush and Bowman, each was proud to be an American.

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